Mirror Magick

Enchanting Mirrors

Enchant the mirrors in your house to give everyone who looks into them a boost in their self esteem/body image.
Place a candle on the stove to symbolize the hearth fire tradition
Make a magic welcome mat that draws in good company and keeps away the bad
Pay close attention to the sort of energy your decor creates and adjust it to help create the energy you want in your home.
Is the TV the center of your home? Electronics can drastically change the feel of a space, try moving it to a less central spot and focus your rooms on something else
Playing music and changing the scent in a room can suffice for a quick energetic shift. Try setting a small pot of water with cranberries, orange peel, cinnamon or mint on the stove to simmer.
Get rid of stuff! I say this for people like myself who have trouble letting go of anything. Your stuff hangs onto energy. Gifts from people you don’t like? Stop being polite and letting their energy invade your house. Chuck it. Anything that reminds you of past relationships can go. In fact, cleaning house post breakup is super important! Get rid of any lingering reminders, wash their smell out of everything and clean your mattress thoroughly.
If it’s broken do away with it. I know, I know, you’re planning to get around to fixing it eventually. How often do you actually do that though? If you aren’t willing to sit down right now to fix it you probably won’t ever get to it. Throw it away or give it to someone who will have a use for it.
If you haven’t used it in the last year, chances are you won’t use it in the next year either. Get rid of it.
Make a habit of de-cluttering in small ways every day. Don’t let the mail pile up, clean up dishes left in odd rooms, pick up laundry, and just generally put things back where they belong. This goes a long way toward keeping the energy flow moving through your home smoothly.
Put bells on your doors. Bells help to clear energy, every time you open a door that room gets a little cleansing boost.