Charm Magick

Blessing Charm for Infant

Items you will need:

Bay Leaves
1 Gold Candle
Red Thread
A Muslin bag or any natural fabric made into a little sack

At the top of the bag sew 3 little X’s with the Red thread.

This Blessing should be done on the night of a Waning Moon.

The child should be bathed and ready for bed. Have a small table set up with everything you need on it. A parent, close family member or dear friend should be holding the baby.
With everyone standing around the table, if you cast a circle, you would do that now.

While lighting the candle say:
By the light of the Moon,
and the grace of the Sun.
You’ll grow up far to soon,
Stay safe little one.
Place each of the Bay leaves into the bag, one at a time. As you place each one of them in, say:
1st: May the Goddess give you Grace.
2nd: Sun and Moon light on your face.
3rd: Give you strength in any danger.
4th: Share your kindness with a stranger.
5th: Always keep you in good health.
6th: Know the value of yourself.
7th: Guide you to your Sacred path.
8th: Help the learning of your Craft.
9th: With this wisdom you’ll be sound,
So Mote it Be, this Blessings bound.

As you draw the bag closed say:
With the power of this Charm, keep (name) safe from threat or harm.
Everyone present should place a kiss on the infant’s forehead.
Place the Charm in the infant’s room, safely out of the way from little hands.
Let the candle burn out on its own.