Visualization is the most advanced magical technique necessary for the successful practice of food magic. Food magic consists of choosing foods, cooking or preparing them with a purpose, and eating th...
The practice of folk magic utilizes a variety of tools to empower simple rituals. These tools include visualization, candles, colours, words, affirmations, herbs, essential oils, stones, and metals. O...
(Curcurbita spp.) Planet: Moon Element: Earth Energies: Healing, money Lore: According to early American lore, if half a pumpkin is left exposed in the kitchen, negative energies will arrive to spoil ...
It seems that on every part of the globe where humans have lived, there has developed a body of herbal knowledge, something which has led to a special relationship developing between herbs and people....
All you need for this spell is a selection of herbal oils to add to your bathwater. You only need a few drops each of:• Grapefruit oil• Lemon oil• Sage oil• Basil oil Run a deep bath for yourself, and...
Most traditional spellwork and ritual form a mental vehicleto help you communicate your desires to the universe. Suchpractices keep the mind busy and centered in a positive place,freeing you to fully ...
Hygge is a Danish concept that underlines theimportance of focusing on the enjoyment of themoment. It’s about being present and allowing yourselfthe time and space to acknowledge a feeling or what’sha...
A protection against witches, demons, vampires,the evil eye and other dark supernatural forces, and aningredient in folk healing remedies. Garlands of garlic worn around the neck or hung in a house ar...
Runes are not just for divination, there are many other ways to put them to use. There are necklaces, bracelets, and earings that have a rune on them. Most occult stores carry them in stock, or you ca...
More than the broom, or even the stang, the cauldron is the classic witches’ tool. In classical Greece we find stories of the witch Medea who brewed the elixir of life and death in her cauldron. Acros...
Cerridwen, a deity associated with the feminine symbols of water and the Moon, is the shape-shifting Celtic Goddess of inspiration, wisdom, and the magical arts of enchantment, divination, and prophec...
Many Witches pour a bit of ordinary surgical spirit (rubbing alcohol) into their cast iron cauldrons and light it carefully dropping in a lit match. This is often done as part of healing rituals, invo...
This fairly simple ritual is offered as one example of countless possibilities—I’ve included it to show you an example of one of the more accessible, and easy-to-perform rituals for the beginner Wicca...
It is probable that all alphabets were originally magical. Only in later times did they come to be reduced to the more prosaic transactions of mere record and trade. The names which the letters were g...
Birds can appear to us either in our physical world, in dreams, or during meditation, to deliver messages or help us find what we may be missing in our lives. The bird could appear just the once to de...
The first step in candle magick is to choose a candle whose colour and shape represent your desire. Next, you will have to dress, or energize, the candle. This is done by anointing the entire candle w...