Simple Protection

You will need the following items for this spell:

First, centering, grounding, meditation and shielding are recommended, but not required, though they will yield better results. Second, be still, focus on the energies around you and chant:

“God and Goddess hear my plea,
I ask that you protect me.
Give me love and give me life,
Let me not be led to strife.
God and Goddess hear my plea,
Love to all and blessed be.”

Repeat as many times as you like, or until you feel uplifted or secure. 

Penny for Luck

You will need the following items for this spell:

A penny
Take a penny out of your pocket.
Hold it in your hand, getting used to the feel of the penny.
Hold it near your heart.
Hold it near your third eye.
Kiss the hand you hold it with, and say – ”Penny for Luck!”
Throw the penny into the grass, on a fence or on a tree, for the fairies to come and take it away.

Lucky Spells And Rituals To Attract Good Luck

Whether you believe in luck or not, a lucky spell can help you focus your energy on a specific intention you want to manifest. Where our attention goes, energy flows, and energy is powerful. Energy + action make shit happen, whether it’s in your business, romantic relationships, or personal goals.

Have you ever blown out the candles on your birthday cake and made a wish? Or turned your back to a fountain and threw a penny in, hoping your wish would come true? What about crossing your fingers, touching wood, or even praying to your spiritual guides to help you manifest your deepest soul desires? If so, you’ve already been casting good luck spells without realizing it!

Even if you don’t believe in rituals like this, I invite you to shift the way you think about luck because it’s no more than energy and attitude. When you believe in your dreams and are committed to achieving your goals, luck will automatically be on your side. This is simply the Law Of Attraction. And working with a lucky spell or ritual for good luck can help you declare to the Universe what you want and channel your energy into making it happen.

What is spellwork?
FYI: you don’t need a book of spells, fancy ingredients, a cauldron, or a million crystals to practice spells and magic!

At its heart, spellwork is simply the art of setting an intention, then raising and directing your energy toward it. A spell is anything you do with a magical purpose behind it. Most importantly, you’re clear on your intention and connected to the action when performing a spell or ritual.

Mini rituals for good luck
There’s a good chance you’ve experienced some of these luck rituals over the years without realizing you were practicing magic:

Making a wish before blowing out birthday cake candles
Blowing on a dandelion while making a wish
Finding a four-leaf clover
Wishing on a shooting star
Wishing on a rainbow
Keeping a specific statue or charm on your desk
Hanging a dreamcatcher above your bed
Splitting the wishbone after eating dinner and making a wish if you get the largest piece
Throwing salt over your shoulder while cooking
Avoiding walking under a ladder
Not opening an umbrella indoors

7 Lucky spells and rituals for good luck
Here is a range of simple spells for good luck that you can try at home without buying many tools and ingredients.

Use one of these spells next time you want to channel your energy toward a particular intention, like finding an amazing partner, making more sales in your business, or getting that dream job you just applied for!

I’d always recommend cleansing your space at the start of any spell or ritual. You can do this by burning some herbs, using essential oils in an air diffuser, using a room spray, or however you prefer to cleanse.

Good luck spell #1: Lucky charm
You will need:

A candle (select your color based on your needs)
Any small object that symbolizes luck to you
How to do it:

Choose a green candle if you want more luck with money, abundance, and work. Choose a red candle if you want more luck in the romance department. And if you want help attracting more positive energy and getting rid of negative vibes, choose a black candle for protection. A white one is fine if all else fails, and you can’t find any colored candles!

Try and perform this good luck spell in a room with a door, and make sure the door is closed to start off with. Light your candle, and hold your lucky object in your hand. Visualize good luck and good energy encompassing you and this object. You might want to imagine a specific color of light (that matches your candle). Once you feel good luck energy all around you, open the door. This means that good luck can follow you wherever you go!

Carry your chosen object (or wear it on a necklace if suitable) when you need some extra luck. For example, on a first date, a job interview, etc.

Let your candle burn out.

Good luck spell #2: Cleansing bath ritual
You will need:

A candle
A mix of herbs and flowers (chamomile flowers, cloves, basil, mint, rosemary, and cinnamon sticks are all great for good luck)
Essential oils (optional)
A crystal (optional)

How to do it:

You can take a good luck bath ritual any time you like. It is relaxing and will help clear any stagnant energy away and make space for better things to flow in.

Set up your bathroom, so it feels relaxing and nourishing. Light your candle. Gather your herbs and add them to the tub while the water runs. If you add essential oils and/or a crystal, choose the ones that support your intention.

As you soak in the water, focus on your intention and visualize your wish coming true. How do you feel? What can you see? Who is with you?

Let your candle burn out after your good luck spell.

Lucky spell #3: Lady Luck
You will need:

A candle
A new penny
A fireproof bowl or tray
A four-leaf clover (a paper one is fine)
How to do it:

Lady Luck (also known as Goddess Fortuna) is the perfect person to pray to when performing a lucky spell.

Light your candles, then flip your penny in the air, letting it land on a surface. The aim is to have it land heads up three times in a row. Keep going until this happens (be patient)!

Next, burn your four-leaf clover using the flame of the candle. Keep it over the fireproof bowl while you do this. Communicate with Lady Luck while you do this. You can say anything that feels right but be specific.

Keep the candle lit until it burns out (but don’t leave it unattended).

Good luck spell #4: Salt & Cinnamon
You will need:

A candle
Cinnamon powder
How to do it:

Place your candle on your altar, spread a circle of salt around it, and say something like, “negative energy and spirits, be gone!”

Next, light your candle. Visualize any misfortune and struggles melting away and leaving your body and home. You might want to meditate to help you get into the right headspace.

When you’re done with your visualization, sprinkle the cinnamon powder on top of the salt and say a lucky spell incantation (that’s a fancy way of saying, use your words to declare what you desire).

You can use visualization again here (a bright white light) to imagine good luck and amazing new opportunities coming your way.

Let your candle burn out.

Lucky spell #5: Red rose
You will need:

A candle
7 red rose petals (fresh or dried)
A fireproof dish or tray
How to do it:

Although the rose petals might make you think “love,” this lucky spell will help you attract good luck and abundance in all areas of your life.

Salt cleanses, while the rose is a sacred flower, so the petals make a wonderful offering.

Place your candle in the center of your dish, make a circle of salt around the edge, then place your petals over the salt. Light your candle.

Take some time to get comfortable, sit peacefully, and breathe. Visualize your mind, body, and spirit being cleansed, with new doors opening for you.

Now it’s time to say an affirmation, chant, or mantra that aligns with your intention. Don’t overthink this part. What’s important is that the words feel powerful to you.

Repeat this spell for good luck every day for the next seven days. Blow the candle out every day, apart from the seventh, when you can let it burn down on its own.

Good luck spell #6: A tea ritual
You will need:

A beautiful mug
Your favorite tea blend (use fresh herbs and flowers for a nourishing herbal tea)
A teaspoon
How to do it:

Brewing and drinking tea can be a sacred, magical experience if you treat it this way. And if you’re using natural herbs and flowers in your tea, these can have a healing and energizing effect on the body. The best part about this ritual is it’s so simple to add to your morning or evening routine.

Cinnamon, cloves, mint, and chamomile are all great for good luck spells.

Brew your tea in a teapot, cafetiere, or on the stove. Pour your tea into your mug, take your teaspoon and stir the tea. While you do this, recite a good luck blessing.

As you sip your tea, focus on your intention.

Lucky spell #7: Wish upon a star
You will need:

Gold or silver paper or card
String, twine, or ribbon
A hole punch
Colorful markers, paints, glitter pens (whatever you’ve got to hand!)
How to do it:

Wishing on a star is an ancient tradition that has bled into our present society. Hence, stars are the perfect symbol to weave into a lucky spell!

What Is A Sigil + How To Make One For Protection & Abundance
Draw out a star on your paper and cut it out. Have fun decorating it. Remember to write your intention or wish on one side. At night, go outside with your star, and repeat the following children’s rhyme:

Star light, star bright,

First star I see tonight.

I wish I may, I wish I might,

Have this wish I wish tonight.

Then, repeat your wish out loud.

Bring your star back indoors and hang it above your bed when you’re done. As you sleep, dream about your wish coming true.

Things to be mindful of when performing lucky spells

1. Perform spells when you’re calm and centered
It’s okay if you’re performing a good luck spell in reaction to something that happens to you, e.g., a new job opportunity, a handsome stranger entering your life, etc. But it’s best practice to avoid spellwork if you’re stressed or highly emotional. The energy that goes into your spells will always impact the outcome. For example, if you’re angry when performing a spell, you can expect this negative energy to affect your results.

The only real rule with spellwork is to make sure you’re not casting a spell to harm yourself or others. Your magic reflects your soul, so fuel your spellwork with love, kindness, and compassion.

2. Set a time & location
Lucky spells work any time of day or night. But doing them at dawn or dusk, during any of the wheel of the year sabbats, or on the new or full moon can strengthen the power of your good luck spell.

Physical entrances can act as cosmic portals, e.g., doors, windows, and even floor or loft hatches. This makes them great places to perform good luck spells or practice any kind of magic.

3. Set an intention
Unless you’re clear on your intention, you’re not ready to perform a good luck spell.


Because how can you direct your energy somewhere when you don’t know exactly where you want to direct it?

So think about where you want luck to work its magic in your life. What would success look like to you?

It’s equally important that your intention is authentic and you feel a burning desire toward it. Your spell will probably have mediocre results if you feel lukewarm about it.

4. Think positive thoughts
What we think about most, we become and draw into our world. This happens at a subconscious level, whether you realize it or not. You are writing your own destiny as you read this. And this shouldn’t frighten you; it should empower you!

For a good luck spell to work, you must believe it will and channel your thoughts and attention toward it.

5. You don’t need to spend a fortune!
As I mentioned, you don’t need to spend a fortune online gathering witchy tools and objects like candles, incense, and sage bundles. In fact, you’ve probably got many things you can use in your house already.

Most people have salt, spices, dried herbs, and candles lying around. You might also have flowers in your garden or herbs you can forage nearby. Pots, pans, and pottery can serve as your cauldron or chalice.

The only must-have ingredient for a lucky spell is your intention. After that, do your best to work with what’s around you.

If you want additional tools, be mindful of who you’re buying them from and how they’ve been produced because this energy will work its way into your spell.

6. Take action
The final thing to remember when performing good luck spells is to combine your spellwork or ritual with physical action in the real world. Without this, nothing will happen.

For example, if you want a sprinkle of luck on your career and hope to land an amazing new job, you’ve got to take action by searching for a new job you might like, speaking to recruiters, networking, etc. Similarly, if you want your lucky spell to help you meet someone special, you can’t sit around at home every night hoping they’ll appear at your door. You’ve got to get out there, speak to new people, join a dating app, and put yourself out there!

Are you ready to change your luck?
I hope these good luck spells have inspired you to channel your energy toward manifesting whatever you truly desire because spellwork is one of the simplest and most effective ways to declare what we want and write our destiny.

Good Fortune and Happiness Spell’

You will need the following items for this spell:

Bird Seeds (That are safe to eat by birds in your area. Do your research!)
A small pouch
A larger pouch (alt. a large jar)
Anything that you have lying around that has positive correspondences!
A Few Examples:
River Stones
Vial of Moon Water
Cinnamon, etc.
Take your birds seeds and pour some in the small pouch. Take the larger pouch (or jar) and fill it with all the happy items you can fit in it, then insert the smaller pouch into the larger one and leave it for a day to soak up all those energies.

After a day, remove the smaller bird pouch from the jar/larger pouch and go out to feed some birds (ideally on a bright, clear day). It’s recommended you remind yourself of your intent and project it onto the seeds as you feed the birds. And voila! You’re done!

Remember to help out your community after to help strengthen the spell.

Get A Job Spell

You will need the following items for this spell:

A candle, preferably green
A penny, piece of copper, quartz, or anything else to be a charm
A boline, terminated quartz crystal, or something else for carving
Cast a circle. Carve the rune for wealth into the candle and light it. Meditate on your intentions and charge the candle with power. Then take the item to be made into a charm in your dominant hand and whisper to it exactly what you want. Then, pass the charm quickly through the flame and speak the following words:

“By the power of charm and fire
I draw to me what I desire
Prosperity I seek to gain
Employment I will soon attain”

Imagine getting a job as clearly as you can. Visualize it with perfect clarity and focus your will on making it happen. Keep the charm with you until you become employed.

Invocation for Discovering Truth

You will need the following items for this spell:

1 beeswax candle
2 pieces natural paper
A pen/pencil
Bowl of water
A single candle of beeswax should be lighted and placed on a table away from the draft and chill. Two pieces of natural paper need be torn to the length of three finger’s breadth and the width of two finger’s breadth. On each need be written the choices from which Truth shall choose. A bowl of clean water should be placed on the table at thy front and a circle drawn round the bowl. Once the circle be drawn, no more should thy hand pass in.

The following invocation need be spoken aloud and with a firm and somber voice: “In the name of Vuall, I summon thee Truth that thee may choose of these and show that pure. By the virtue of the highest of thee, I command thee come forth lest thee suffer the pain of disobedience.”

Fold each piece of paper singly and cast them together into the water, not allowing thy hand cross into the circle. That piece which doth unfold first be the answer of Truth and that which unfolds last be the lie. When Truth hath made its choice, dismiss the spirit, extinguish the candle and dispose of the water on freshly turned soil.

If you receive no answer. If Truth does not find the working favorable then he wont tell you

‘Angelic Voice’

You will need the following items for this spell:

Egg yolk
White candle
Put the egg yolk into a glass. Add sugar and milk, then mix them very good untill it looks like a foam. Take the glass and put it near the candle. Light the candle and put the pentagram into the glass( wash it before). Then chant aloud: “Gods and Goddesses, and angels from above, give me an angelic voice so that I can sing in your name forever more!”.

Take out the pentagram( do not forget to wash it). Drink that egg yolk with milk and sugar slowly. After this blow the candle. After two weeks of doing this daily, you can have fun with your voice. 

To Create Opportunity

You will need the following items for this spell:

A bowl of sand (to represent the earth)
Green cloth
Needle and thread
Pen Cinnamon or cedar incense
Dried camomile, vervain or squill
Mint and honeysuckle oil
Make a poppet out of the cloth .While concentrating on the opportunities available to you, write your name on the poppet and stuff it with the dried herbs that have had a few drops of the oils added. Sew the figure shut.

Light the incense. Hold the poppet in the incense smoke. Say: “Goddess of opportunity, Bring good fortune now to me Guide me by your gentle hand For I am as worthy as these grains of sand”.

Let the sand trickle through your fingers to signify touching the earth. Repeat this an odd number of times (seven works very well). Keep your poppet safe, you do not have to have it with you at all times, just with your possessions or papers.

For the spell to continue to work, renew it every Full Moon. This is a good spell to use for business opportunities, since the poppet can be kept unobtrusively in a drawer or cupboard and hopefully will become imbued with the excitement of your day-to-day work. It can also be used when you wish to enhance your career prospects. 

Become Wealthy

You will need the following items for this spell:

Paper (back and front side)
You should understand wealth is the form of givings, not takings. So if your business is going to make other people business go down then it will effect your karma, like monopoly or something.

Write on the paper (the paper must be very quality and don’t shred or dirty for long time) “Oom good wealth god and goddess ,that was in up and down, that near me or far from me, that capable to help me. Please give me wealth to this day and until my time. Please give me wealth with easy way. I will pay it forward (list how). I am (list personal information) and I need (specific amount of money) by (specific time)”.

You should keep your writings from other people because if it becomes lost , many bad people can use this writing to close your wealth 

Nocturnals Embrace

You will need the following items for this spell:

Moon light
Lay with ur feet toward the moon
An say if you aren’t families with nocturnal
Nocturnal let me feel the embers of our new beginning let me feel the cold heart of yours through this warm embrace let it last only quick for our duty is to cause pain.
If you are familiar with nocturnal then say:

“Nocturnal let me feel your embrace the embers of darkness the chill of the night the power withing you an the moon nocturnal hear my deep please.”

Spells and Magical Uses for Rainwater…

Many spells and rituals call for water, but tap water just doesn’t have the potency of rain water. The water that pours from the heavens is said to have magical properties. It has not been purified, aka sterilized, by your city’s water processing facility.

Also, the simple act of capturing rainwater can be a really powerful ritual for magical use.

What does rain mean spiritually?
Rain is the result of water vapor condensing in the air, then falling to earth. It is a crucial component of the water cycle, which means rain is the connective force between the elements of air and earth.

This alone makes it a highly symbolic and potent ingredient in spellwork.

Rainwater is also arguably purer than mineral water collected from springs and rivers. It’s a bit more acidic (softer) and higher in sodium than tap water. Plants love it because their soil’s pH drops, making it easier for them to absorb nutrients. Of course, anything that enriches our plant friends’ lives is excellent for magick.

Rain that falls during storms is even more powerful. Many people consider it to be charged by lightning. Scientifically speaking, that’s possible: lighting breaks apart atom bonds, disrupting the water molecules in the air. A storm is also a balancing act between the earth and its sky, and natural magic imbues “lightning water” with restorative powers.

Ritual Uses of Rainwater
Because rainwater is associated with cleansing, restoration, and nourishment, it is often used in spells with these themes.

If you wish to perform a banishing, clearing or balancing ritual, rainwater — especially lightning water — is an excellent choice. Some people use rainwater to charge their crystals so they can better receive and transmit healing energy.

Rainwater is also cherished for its purity, which makes it ideal for your basin of altar water. It can be used in blessings, anointments, and healing rituals.

Many people rely on rainwater to clean their magical tools and avoid contamination from mineral-heavy tap water or bottled water.

Magical Uses For Rainwater
As a ritual ingredient, rainwater can be integrated into almost any practice you can use rain spiritually in the following ways:

1. Clear harmful energy from yourself or others, a space, or objects that carry negative vibes.

2. Cleanse a candle before a banishing ritual.

3. Add it to your bath to promote wellness and restoration.

4. Anoint yourself to clear your mind.

5. Spray it during a ritual to achieve abundance and healing.

Spells To Do In The Rain
Because the Moon’s pull on the Earth influences air pressure, rain is intricately linked to lunar cycles. A higher, waxing moon has a greater pull, reducing the likelihood of rain.

Thus, rainwater expresses the power of a waning moon: a time to purge negative experiences and release experiences and people that do not serve you.

It is ideal for purifying your life — literally washing away the clutter and instilling that introspective wonder we feel when it storms.

Types of Rainwater
Rain happens during electrical storms, wind storms, the passing of seasons, and the effects of the complex interactions among the earth, sky, and space.

Each type of rainwater has its own incredible potency for your spellwork.

⚡️ Lightning Water
Lightning water is associated with the fire element. It carries the scattered oxygen atoms and ferocious energy generated by the heat of lightning. In addition to purifying and breaking existing bonds, lightning water may be used for restoration and re-energizing spellwork. Use it quickly as lightning water’s potency is fleeting.

💨 Windstorm Rainwater
Windstorm rain reflects the air element. It represents momentum, release, and reflection. Use it in transformation rituals, banishing, and nourishment spells. Store it in a corked glass bottle to maintain that energy.

🍃 Plant Captured Rainwater
Plant-captured rain unites the Earth and Sky. It symbolizes the abundant life that water empowers. When you discover a fallen leaf filled with rain water, keep it for potent use in your spells involving gratitude, fulfillment, and healing. Store it in a ceramic container to maintain your connection to Earth.

How to Collect Rainwater
To ensure that your rainwater is as pure and powerful as possible, avoid collecting it from contaminated areas. Gutter drains, tarps, and puddles are rife with microbes, minerals, and chemicals that muddle your water’s potency.

Minimize dirt and pollutants from run-off. Instead, aim to collect rainwater directly from the sky with ritual vases, cisterns, or other vessels.

Spiritual Uses of Rainwater
A sanctified, clean container placed with intention below an open sky is ideal. Try glass bottles that you can immediately cork, ceramic bowls that suit your ritual needs, or stone basins that you can fill and disburse into other vessels.

Remember to collect with intention. Focus on the desires you’d like to achieve with the water you collect. Ideally, your collection vessel may become part of your ritual.

Envision your connection to the Earth and its abundant water. Rainwater is the purest form you may incorporate into your practice.

Rain Water Recipes
The options for rainwater spellwork are limitless!

You may use it as a cleansing agent, a purified source of water to nourish your altar or yourself during rituals, or as a potent ingredient in brews, anointments, and more.

Here are some simple recipes to consider:

1. Blend rainwater with mint, orange peel, and cinnamon to achieve wealth and wellness.

2. Add a few drops of patchouli, lavender, or mugwort oil to protect yourself and your home.

3. Combine plant-captured rain with eucalyptus oil to promote healing.

4. Infuse with green or black tea leaves for energy, insight, and focus.

In any of these recipes or spells, you may sprinkle the blend around the affected area and/or seal the container for use in a protective/cleansing barrier.

Here’s What you Need To Know About Using Rain Water In Spells
Rainwater is Mother Nature’s gift to us — a perpetual and divine source of nourishment, purification, and healing energy.

Maintain clear and passionate intentions as you capture, store, and incorporate rainwater into your practice. It provides a potent yet gentle ingredient in your rituals, altar cultivation, and spellwork.

Water is the core element of life.

By harnessing rainwater’s power, you can cultivate a healthier, stronger life that brings you joy and fulfillment.

What Does Rain Symbolize in Spirituality and Magic?
Rain has many different uses when you are working with magic and spells because it can mean so many different things depending on the kind of rainfall it was collected from. A light spring rain carries a very different energy than a heavy late-night thunderstorm.

Imagine the calm after a storm. When everything is still, and the air is still a little damp, it sort of holds the world down. This is the same calmness that rainwater can bring to your spellwork and other rituals when you use it.

🫧 Cleansing
Rainwater washes away the dirt and grime in the same way you can use it to cleanse the negative energies from your life. Use rainwater to banish negative thoughts, ideals, and things that no longer serve you.

👛 Change
Rain can make the whole world change in an instant. From warm and muggy to chilly and damp. It can bring about things you haven’t seen before or just shed a completely different light on things. Use rainwater in your spiritual practice when you want to see a change.

🤰🏼 Fertility
The water cycle and the circle of life are very similar in many ways. What goes around comes around, and when it comes to fertility, having babies is part of the life cycle in much the same way the rain water is part of the water cycle.

💪 Obstacle
Sometimes rain can be a major bummer and keep you from doing the things you love. In that same way, you can use it in your spiritual practice to represent an obstacle you want to overcome.

🌱 Rebirth and Growth
Without rain, there would be no life. Rain is the key to keeping plants, animals, and every living thing alive. Use your rain to represent a rebirth in your life or to grow something new and special.

😢 Sadness and Depression
Rain can make you feel sad. It can make you feel hopeless and just bring about a general feeling of blah. Use rainwater in your spellwork and magical rituals to banish that feeling.

Purple Light Spell

You will need the following items for this spell:

1 Purple Candle
Purple promotes ambition, progress, power, and strengthens will- power.
As you light the candle, repeat:
”This light is burning to help me gain and achieve (wish).
It’s protest is small but holds great power.
For only it can push this power up into the Loving Hands of the Goddess.
I am, like this candle, small, but my intentions and ambitions are big,
and with perseverance, I will get there.
Goddess, help me achieve this. So mote it be”

Focus your energy on the flame. Think of all your ambitions and dreams. Imagine
the flame being pushed up into the hands of the Goddess. Visualize the Goddess
receiving all your energy. Imagine you can see your energy being pulled into the
flame. As your energy is soaked into the flame, imagine it turning purple. The
more energy soaked in the deeper and stronger the purple gets. Imagine a long
purple ribbon flowing out of the flame and into the hands of the Goddess.

Confidence in Social Situations

You will need the following items for this spell:

A small drawstring bag
Ground nutmeg
Pine needles
Dried lavender
Piece of mandrake root
Put a pinch or two of the nutmeg, pine needles, dried lavender and mandrake root inthe bag and tie it closed. Consecrate and charge the bag during the waxing phase of the Moon so that you can use positive energy.

Wear the bag around your neck or keep it in your pocket.You should feel a surge of energy whenever you are in a social situation which you find difficult to handle.When you feel you no longer have need of the support your bag gives you, you can scatter the herbs to the four winds or burn them.

It is the consecrating of the bag which turns it into a tool for use in everyday situations, so choose your words carefully to express your particular need. Try to approach one new person everyday or go into one new situation, until you lose your fear.

Dream Incantation’

You will need the following items for this spell:

B.O.S/Dream Journal
Blessed Pen
1. Think what you want to ask
2. Take out your B.O.S/Dream Journal
3. Write an incantation (its kinda short spell or message)
Ask Your Future:
”Guardians of the dream world I would like to see my future.
So mote it be.”

P.S. This spell is use to ask the dream world guardian to tell us what we want to know. You can ask everything like animal totem, future, guide, 

Singers Dream Voice’

You will need the following items for this spell:

A pretend stage Setup (alter)
Beyonce’s ”AVE Maria”
White Candle
First, set up your stage as if your were going to perform in front of people your stage can be your bed, table, open space on the floor, (if you are using your bed remove pillows there are no pillows on stage).

Lay down on the stage lay flat as possible hands out think as if your laying on a pentagram. Place the candle down by your feet and light it, careful not to kick it. Play the instrumental and then lay down and dream and see yourself on stage and imagine you singing very strong and beautiful and listen to the voice calling you telling to pull me free

Most of all believe because as your dreaming the candle will summon a yellow ring around you and you should very free but if you doubt it then the spell will not work. As the song comes to an end awaken your eyes and blow the candle out and give it at least 24 hrs for the new voice to settle in your body.

‘Wyrd Scrying’

You will need the following items for this spell:

A wooden bowl
A small knife or chisel
Candle wax (optional)
Begin by placing the wooden bowl on a flat surface. Take the chisel or knife and etch runes with speicifc and personal meaning into it. You may also wish to write your name to make it personalized. Get into a comfortable position. Fill the bowl with water now, and let it settle. Light the incense, of your choice, and spend a moment relaxing quietly, clearing your mind.

Call upon a specific deity that you wish to work with. Some like to call upon the Norns at this time, because they are the weavers of fate, and you will be attempting to read what they’ve woven. You may say something such as: “Three sisters, weavers of Wyrd, help me to see into the web that makes up the fates of myself, those I am connected to, and those I have yet to meet”. Close your eyes. In your mind, picture three women sitting in a circle with thread between them. This thread is wyrd. As they spin it, focus on it as much as you can.

Open your eyes, and peer into the water in the bowl. Spend as much time as you need looking into the waters. You may see something now, or you may not. Sometimes you will receive dreams later on. When calling upon the Norns you may wish to specify that you wish to receive dreams, if this is what you want.
An alternative to this would be to put drops of wax into the water and try to interpret them

‘First Impression’

You will need the following items for this spell:

1 Whole Orange
4 Tablespoons of Vanilla Extract
8 Rose Petals
Cut the orange into 4 pieces. Run yourself a bath. Place the orange pieces, vanilla extract & rose petals into your bath then get in! Close your eyes, inhale the aroma & chant:

“The first time you see me
I can do no wrong
To you I am perfect
My name is your song
Youll always remember
When we first met
As the day you realized
Im the best you can get
This spell is true
And harms no one
As I will it
It is done”

Imagine the person you are meeting for the first time and repeat the chant as if you were saying these words directly to them. You may do this several times until you feel confident that you will make a great first impression! 

Dream Question, Dream Answer’

You will need the following items for this spell:

1 blue candle
1 white candle (optional)
1 stick of cinnamon incense
A slip of paper
A pen
4 magickally charged stones (optional)
Light the candle(s). Light the incense with the blue candle. Leave the candle(s) on until the incense is completely burned out. Write the question on the slip of paper with the pen. Example:

Dear Aphrodite,

Is this person the right person for me?

Love (whatever)

When the incense is completely burned, pour the ashes on the question. Fold it. Hold it tight in your hands. Close your eyes and say:

”It is an answer that I seek,
In my dreams, I’ll take a peek.”

Place the folded paper under your pillow and blow out the candle(s)

NOTE: If you are using magick stones, place them around the alter before doing the spell. 

‘Basics of Spellcasting’

You will need the following items for this spell:

Now not many people know all of this and if they do know some it isn’t everything that you should know.

Magic secret #1: You MUST truly believe a spell will work from the bottom of your heart.

Magic secret #2: Direct your spell as desired by being in the frame of mind needed to cast it correctly.

Magic secret #3: Charge your spells with outside energy from nature. Use natural ingredients like herbs, wood, and other plants, and, I can’t stress this enough, thank the Earth for the energy you’ve borrowed!