Magic is another force in nature that has existed for thousands of years ago. Our ancestors have performed various acts of magic to make their lives easier and to cure their diseases. There is also wh...
Witches always end up to be the bad guys in television shows, movies, and books. But witchcraft is not evil. It is a religion and way of life. It is the craft with only the utmost respect for Mother N...
In Sex and Culture (1934), Unwin studied 80 primitive tribes and 6 known civilizations through 5,000 years of history and found a positive correlation between the cultural achievement of a people and ...
Fundamental to magick is a belief that the phenomenal world of the five senses is incomplete. Witches believe that we live in a world quite different from the one our five senses show to us – they bel...
The heart of the arcana is in the brain itself, it is our connection and desire to unite the Hand and the Eye in the Grimoire of the Fallen, which was long ago scribed in the blood of our spiritual an...
So you’ve been reading up on Paganism, witchcraft, Wicca, and all kinds of other things, and it seems pretty straightforward… but you’re probably wondering How does magic work, anywa...
At some point, you may have decided that you’re comfortable enough in your spiritual path that you’re ready to “come out of the broom closet.” Chances are it’s not a deci...
The phrase “blessed be” is found in many modern magical traditions. Although it appears in some Pagan paths, it’s typically more likely to be used in a NeoWiccan context. It’s often used as a greeting...
Here’s the easiest explaination I can provide on light & dense vibrations (high & low vibrational energies). Just like oil & water don’t mix, light & dense energies don’t mix. When you...
There’s a lot of information out there on Paganism, including but not limited to Wicca, in books, on the Internet, and through local groups. But how much of it is accurate? How do you learn to s...
So you’ve been reading up on Paganism, witchcraft, Wicca, and all kinds of other things, and it seems pretty straightforward… but you’re probably wondering How does magic work, anywa...
People become Pagans or Wiccans for a variety of reasons. Most of those reasons are pretty good – sometimes it involves a connection to the divine, a sense of coming home, or even just a gradual...
Magic power is inherent on Earth. By various means, we have learned how to use it. We hold the complete, pure energy of the All – of the Goddess and the God – most high. As witches, we know that we ar...
Like the rest of society, however, magick also suffers from a bit of socioeconomic elitism. The magick familiar to many of us today developed centuries ago, as educated people sought an ultimate truth...
Essentially, magick is magick. It isn’t black or white. It is not wholly good and it is certainly not intrinsically evil. If a color could convey magick’s true character, it would most ass...
The forest is a theater of strange beings, friendly and unfriendly. What are those creatures crawling around underneath the elder tree? It is the old one and her troop of mandrakes, woodruffs, goblins...