
Altar Objects

This is a general term for the objects that youplace on your altar – candleholders, flowervases, crystals and so forth – which do notnecessarily have a specific magical use of theirown; they are prese...

Talismans, Amulets and Charms

These devices use all the other forms of magic intheir formation, but principally representationaland symbolic magic. They are ‘charged’ (givenpower) magically and usually are worn orcarried on the pe...

Symbolic Magick

In this system different symbols, rather thanobjects, are used to represent various ideas,people or goals. These symbols can be personalto you, or such things as Tarot cards, runes,Hebrew letters or n...

Elemental Magick

IN THIS PARTICULAR type of magic theElements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water aregiven their own directional focus to createadded power and give extra energy to yourspells. You will no doubt find that yo...


These call on what is believed to be the ultimatesource of power, which differs from spell tospell. Quite literally, they call up that powerand ask for permission to use this influence fora stated pur...

Modern Magick

Today there is a rich heritage of magical practicesand beliefs on which we can call to satisfy ourneed for control over our own lives. Whereconventional religion no longer offers an outletfor our sens...

Magick, Curiosity, Exploration & Secrecy

Curiosity, exploration and secrecyOne of most interesting characters from earlytimes was Abraham Abulafia (1240–95), whomade available much arcane knowledge, whichultimately formed the basis of Kabbal...

Defining Magick

IT IS SOMETIMES best not to attempt anydefinition of ancient magic and magicalbelief. However, in any discussion of magicand its practitioners we must take account of aperiod in which the magical trad...

Ancient Beliefs and Magick Practices

Ancient beliefs and practices are the mainstay ofmagic. Modern-day spells often have their rootsin ancient rituals and today’s rituals arise fromknowledge of age-old spells.While we might make an atte...


Spells designed to bring about a difference inbodily appearance in order to dissolvemischievous enchantments by the fairy folk orfrequenters of the lower world were legion inmost cultures. In Celtic l...

Seeds of Change

Nothing says change more than a sprouting seed that grows into a plant. So harness that transformation for yourself, as long as you have a little patience. This spell works best when you’re trying to ...

Tome of Imriel, Wisdom : the Stillness

1. In the days of old, a curious blue imp named Imriel roamed the land, easily swayed by the winds of emotion and ever-reactive to the world’s changing currents. 2. He would dance in joy when th...

A Threshold a Solid Foundation for Magick

A threshold is a solid foundation for any magic which is intended to effect the home, or everyone who enters the home. Such spells work based on the principal of the threshold as not being just a barr...


Be careful with figurines (animal or otherwise) you want to bring into your home. It doesn’t matter if you are a magician, wiccan, witch, cunning-man/woman or any magical practitioner worth their salt...

The Power Of Imagination

The Spiritual world is indeed a large place; it has many dimensions and levels within it, some of which are incomprehensible to the human mind. So then how does one interpret all the magickal energies...


“In that silent moment … listen.” You have ‘felt’ the call, something within you has Awakened…memories of a time long past, still, it is something that belongs to y...

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