The Summer Solstice is a powerful gift of solar energy given to the world. The seasons do change as the planet orbits the sun and Gaia is bathed in light, seeded with the wind and quenched with the ra...
Midsummer Incense #1 2 parts Sandalwood 1 part Mugwort 1 part Chamomile 1 part Gardenia Petals a few drops Rose Oil a few drops Lavender Oil a few drops Yarrow Oil Burn at Wiccan rituals at the Summer...
Depending on your individual spiritual path, there are many different ways you can celebrate Litha, but the focus is nearly always on celebrating the power of the sun. It’s the time of year when the c...
The summer solstice is the first day of astronomical summer and the longest day of the year for people in the Northern Hemisphere. In ancient times, solstices and equinoxes were important in helping p...
The protective rituals on the night of the summer solstice included also the preparation of wreaths. Unmarried girls were carefully selecting the herbs and flowers for their wreath. Its shape and colo...
At the Summer Solstice the Sun has reached its climax. It is the longest day of the year. At its most glorious peak the Sun God sacrifices his power and bestows his solar seed upon the Earth womb. On ...
The Summer Solstice, also known as Litha, occurs on Tuesday, 21st of June, marking the astronomical first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The sun is at the height of its power – the longest ...
Celebrations of the Summer Solstice vary across the globe and from culture to culture. In some cultures, it is also known as “Midsummer’s Night” and celebrations begin with twilight. In others the Sum...
It’s the midsummer’s evening, the shortest of night, Where our planet is blessed with the greatest of light. The sun at its power, sharing its wealth, With the earth glowing in abundance and health. T...
Typically flowering on the longest day of summer, this ‘sunshine’ plant is a powerhouse of usefulness. Topically it is a skin plant for cuts, burns, wounds, bruises and some skin diseases. You can use...
Time: Three days beginning from sunset around 20 June (20 December in the southern hemisphere) Focus: Full potency, illumination, mysteries revealed; healing, the height of joy, fulfilment, the need t...