Litha, also known as the Summer Solstice, is a pagan holiday celebrated on or around June 21st in the Northern Hemisphere. It is the longest day and shortest night of the year, and marks the official ...
Winter’s chains are broken for good as the wheel of the year turns from winter to summer. Love is in the air as bee carries pollen from blossom to aromatic blossom and honey drips from the comb. The s...
Litha is a pagan holiday; one of their eight sabbats during the year. Litha (also known as Midsummer) occurs on the summer solstice, and celebrates the beginning of summer. The traditions of Litha app...
Summer Solstice presents us with a time to celebrate! The Summer Solstice arrives on the longest day and the shortest night of the year. Solstice happens twice each year – in Winter near December 21 a...
Since the bleak midwinter, the sun’s litha has been steadily growing. The earth is bursting with beauty and bounty. The Mother Goddess is great with child at Summer Solstice and the Oak King is at his...
For hundreds of years’ people or groups have been performing dedication rituals to their Gods and Goddesses, this was done to declare themselves to the divine, it solidifies the relationship you have ...
An Ancient Solar Celebration Nearly every agricultural society has marked the high point of summer in some way, shape or form. On this date–usually around June 21 or 22 (or December 21/22 in the south...
Summer Solstice—Midsummer’s Day, the longest day of the year, when the sun reaches its peak of power, and begins to decline. We mark this day as the beginning of summer, of the time of ripeness and ha...
This was when the whole world measured time This is when the light would turn around This is where the past would come undone and the spinning earth will mark a new beginning Let’s go back in time, to...
The importance of Summer Solstice ties back to ancient Celtic society’s reliance on agriculture and crops. The reliance and appreciation for the sun is what brought people closer to nature and further...
(NORTHERN HEMISPHERE) Date: June 20th – 22nd Other Names: Alban Heruin (Druidic), Summer Solstice Pronunciations: lee-thuh, lii-thuh Although the name Litha is not well attested, it may come from Saxo...
In Latin the word ‘solstice’ literally translates to ‘the sun stands still’. In the Northern hemisphere we will enjoy over 16 hours of daylight – and thousands will gather at sacred sites around the w...
The June solstice is the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. Solstice’ (Latin: ‘solstitium’) means ‘sun-stopping’, because the point where th...
Host a Bonfire Litha is all about the fiery aspect of the sun, so why not celebrate the fertility of the gods with a blazing, roaring fire in your back yard? It’s the longest day of the year, so stay ...
The ancient Celtic festival acts as a timely reminder and celebration of who, where and what we really are. Summer Solstice celebrations date back to over 5,000 years ago in ancient Ireland, For north...
A dressing created on Solstice Eve, in the softening light of the summer sun, reflected in our Well lantern(s) and candles. Healing herbs and flowers ~ calendula, jasmine, hypericum, lemon balm, yarro...