Kitchen Witch: The Ritual of Eating 1.3

Our ancestors worshipped food, seeing it as a gift from the hands of their deities. Food magicians don’t worship food, though we respect it as a life-sustaining substance containing the energies of the earth. Food is a manifestation of divine energies that’s vital to our survival. Approaching food from this frame of mind makes it easier for us to utilize it as a tool of self-transformation.

Kitchen Witch: Watercress

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Energies: Protection, fertility


In the ancient world, watercress was thought to strengthen the conscious mind. The Greeks (who knew the plant as kardamon) ate watercress to gain wit. Classical Romans munched the spicy green leaves to stimulate their

Magical uses:

Add watercress to protective diets. The sharp taste and the plant’s habit of growing near flowing water makes it ideal for this purpose.
Eat with visualization, as always. Watercress is also eaten to promote physical fertility.

Kitchen Witch: Squash

(Curcurbita spp.)

Element: Fire

Energies: Spirituality


Squash was cultivated in the Americas as early as 4000 B.C.E. Several American Indian tribes honored this plant. One striking Hopi kachina is depicted with a squash head, and squash-blossom necklaces are modern reminders of the original sacredness of this simple plant.

Magical uses:

Eat this vegetable in dishes designed to increase awareness of the nonphysical reality around us. It is fine spirituality-inducing food. At
least for magical purposes, a squash is a squash, baked or fresh, acorn, hubbard, or zucchini

Kitchen Witch: Pea

(Psium sativum)

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Energies: Love


During the Inquisition, peas were thought to be standard food for“Witches.” They have always been sacred to the Mother Goddess.

Magical uses:

Cook peas with basil, coriander, dill, or marjoram. Cook while visualizing this simple food as a powerful love attractant. Then eat

Kitchen Witch: Endive

(Cichorium endivia)

Planet: Jupiter

Element: Air

Energies: Physical strength, sex

Magical uses:

Endive is overlooked today as a salad green. This is a shame, because it can be eaten to promote physical strength (and is certainly safer
than steroids).
Endive is another of the many foods that are thought to create sexual desire.

Kitchen Witch: Chives

(Allium spp.)

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Energies: Weight loss, protection


Chives may have been first grown in what is now Siberia, near the shores of Lake Baikal, one of the deepest lakes in the world.

Chives were considered to be powerful aphrodisiacs.

Magical uses:

The great herbalist Gerarde stated that eating chives would surely “attenuate or make thinne,” and these mildly flavoured onions are worth
trying if you’re adopting a weight-loss way of life. Though they are difficult to find fresh in grocery stores, they are easily grown at home.

Chives even grow well in containers. For protection, tie a chive into a knot, add to food, and eat. Do this with visualization!

To be rid of a nasty habit or some personal problem that has been vexing you, tie the problem into a chive with a knot and bury. Do not uncover it.

Kitchen Witch: Cabbage

(Brassica spp.)

Planet: Moon

Element: Water

Energies: Protection, money


Superstitious persons once placed cabbage leaves on their foreheads on the dreaded Friday the 13th to keep evil far from them—and, most probably, to keep them far from everyone else.

Around 621 B.C.E., officials in Greece passed a law calling for the death penalty for anyone caught stealing cabbages, a favoured food.
Also, in Greece, the sad idea arose that eating several heads of cabbage every day would cure insanity and nervous conditions.

Magical uses:

Cabbage is fine lunar food. Serve it by the light of the Full Moon after magical and spiritual rituals. Like Brussel sprouts and broccoli, cabbage is eaten to internalize protection. Flavour it with basil and mustard for this purpose. Or, eat salty sauerkraut for
protection. Green cabbage is added to money-drawing diets. For this purpose, it is cooked with a solid silver coin. Or, flavour with dill seeds to attract prosperity. Cabbage soup is a tasty way to bring money energy into your life. The Roman naturalist Pliny recommended cabbage before sleep to prevent nightmares.

Kitchen Witch: Pretzel

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Energies: Protection


Pretzels have a long magical history. According to legend, the winter solstice was observed with a special bread in Europe during the Middle Ages. This bread was circular, in honour of the sun, but twisted at the centre to form an equal-armed cross symbolic of the four seasons. This was called a “bret-zel” or “pretzel,” and was a familiar festival food denoting the rebirth of the sun in European folk religion. Our pretzel is the direct descendant of these early breads. Its shape reveals Pagan origins, although it has been slightly altered. The salt seems to be a later

Magical uses:

Though pretzels can be enjoyed at any time, eat them on the winter solstice in honour of the sun. Also, pretzels are appropriate to protective
diets due to their planetary ruler, the salt, and the bread’s twisted shape.

Kitchen Witch: Oat

(Avena sativa)

Planet: Venus

Element: Earth

Energies: Money


In Scotland, cakes known as bannocks were baked and eaten at Beltane, the old Pagan observance of May Day. Oatcakes are still eaten during some contemporary Witches rituals.

Magical uses:

Use only whole-grain oats.  We can prepare and eat oatmeal first thing in the morning to bring money and prosperity into our lives. Other
magical possibilities include oat cookies and oat bread.

Kitchen Witch: Potato

(Solanum tuberosum)

Planet: Moon

Element: Earth

Energies: Protection, compassion


The potato is a native of Peru, where it was first cultivated by about34000 B.C.E.

It was introduced to Spain (and subsequently throughoutEurope) in 1534.

It was immediately claimed that the potato was a sure-firecure for impotency. At times, it was sold for the equivalent of 1,000 dollars a pound.

Potatoes lost favor in 1728 in Scotland, where cultivation of the potato was prohibited because it was unholy nightshade that wasn’t mentioned in the Bible.

Practitioners of American folk medicine carried potatoes in their pockets to cure rheumatism.

In England, toothache sufferers carried a piece of potato to vanquish the pain (this was probably most effective while going to see a dentist.

Those who dine on new potatoes are granted a wish.

Magical uses:

As with many root crops, potatoes are added to protective diets. They should be seasoned with onions, chives, dill weed, rosemary, or parsley
for the strongest effect. Additionally, owing to this vegetable’s lunar rulership, potatoes can be eaten to instill compassion.

The Kitchen Witch

Sharing a meal with friends or those you love is a ritual in itself, there is a certain energy associated with this simple pleasure, and with the magic of food our life is sustained.

The oven is one of your magic tools, as alchemy takes place whenever you put something into the oven and it is transformed. Old magic paid attention to the lore of food and the energies that are contained in the food we eat every day. It is important to make your time in the kitchen, preparing dishes for yourself and your loved ones, a pleasurable time, your energies are integrated with the energies naturally contained in food. Every time you prepare a meal you have the opportunity to create positive changes in your life, each meal can be a magic ritual with love, health, happiness, and protection within the foods you eat on a daily basis. Once you become familiar with the energies contained in food, preparing and cooking a meal will take on an entirely new meaning, you can add power and vibrance to your life. Each meal can be a celebration of magic.

Hundreds of years ago food was worshiped and seen as a gift from the gods, the energies contained within the food we eat are vital to our survival. You will find food all the more enjoyable as you approach it from a magical perspective, and every meal can be a wonderful act of alchemy that magically changes the food you prepare into a beautiful meal for you and yours to enjoy and energised by. When eating be conscious of the higher power existing in the foods, this way each meal can be a celebration, and cooking will take on an entirely new tone. All you need to do is to follow a few simple steps, before cooking be conscious of what changes you want in your life, you them choose the foods containing the energies that are compatible with your thoughts and this is the beginning of your magic.

The ancient Egyptians used food as a means of exchange and food was stocked in the tombs as a gift to the gods. Barley was used for rituals associated with marriage and fertility, it was also served at funerals. Barley actually ignites the financial energies and is an especially good magical food to use if you are having money troubles, it also relates to the sexual potency of the male. The Japanese like to eat buckwheat noodles for financial luck in the New Year, by eating buckwheat pancakes you are attracting the energy of money, while you are preparing and eating make sure that your intention is clear and your vision vivid and powerful.

Corn has been used by various tribes over the centuries and used in rituals, it is a symbol of fertility, life, eternity and resurrection. Corn was also used for divination purposes, it was practiced by the ancient Aztecs, it was often used in elaborate healing ceremonies. Corn is still considered sacred by many tribes and is treated with great reverence, it is thought to bring blessing and heightened spiritual enlightenment. In around 1000 BC lentils were used for trading. The Germans believed that by eating millet on the first day of the year, it would bring them good luck and prosperity throughout the year. In ancient times rice was use by the Japanese as a form of payment for work done, or to buy items, it was also used to keep away evil spirits. If a child had trouble sleeping, a bowl of rice was placed next to the bed as a way to ward off the spirits that were thought to be disturbing the child. When eating a rice cake visualise money and protection, it is also thought to be useful for fertility. Rye is thought to contain the power to help a person give and receive love and caraway seeds enhance this energy. The ancients Greeks placed crowns of wheat on the heads of brides and grooms as a symbol of fertility. Garlic bread is a powerful protection food and is enjoyed in many cultures.

The Babylonians baked and served cakes for the goddess Ishtar and they were served during fertility festivals. The Greek goddess Artemis was honored each month by the baking of round cakes upon which candles were placed. Moon cakes are baked in China in honour of the autumn moon festival. Gypsies used the power of cakes in their rituals to cure ailments of all types, and we all know the symbolism of cakes at Christmas, birthdays and Easter.

When you next bake cookies you can cut them into specific shapes to represent your magical intention, cookies can be used as a powerful magical tool, as you begin mixing the flour have an intention in your mind and visualise as vividly as you can the intention. After cooking your cookies, as you eat and enjoy them keep the vision in your minds eye.

If you want your coffers to fill you can’t go past buckwheat pancakes served with maple syrup, both contain the energies to attract money. Make a normal pancake if you want your psychic energies to heighten, as you prepare, cook and eat your pancake think about psychic awareness and becoming more powerful.

All magic starts with an intention and the way magic works is that through certain steps you are able to manifest your intention. Try to always prepare and cook foods that you enjoy, as you are preparing food not only is it necessary to cook with intention, it is also necessary to visualise what magical outcome that you are working towards, by doing this you are igniting the energies within the food and within yourself. As you eat your magic food be fully present and make sure you are thinking about that which you wish to conjure, make sure you are visualising your ultimate magic outcome. Intention and visualisation is very important with all magic craft. Imagine the energy of the food not only sustaining you, but with enchantment bringing about the magical changes that you want, be at one with the food you eat and the magic you are creating.

Bread was considered a sacred food by the Egyptians and it was offered to the deities and stocked in tombs along with other foods. Eating was a part of many Pagan religions, rituals using barley were performed in healing ceremonies, barley can also be used for prosperity spells. Corn is used for spiritual rituals and was used as a divination tool in Mexico, corn is also related to the four directions, north, south, east and west. Corn was often placed on altars as a gift to the gods. Oats are prepared and eaten while visualising prosperity, think of prosperity and abundance while preparing a meal of oats and visualise prosperity and abundance while eating oats. Rice is linked with love and good fortune, the Japanese used to eat red rice for good luck, it was also scattered to keep away evil spirits. Rice has been used as a magic potion for centuries. Wheat is a symbol of the goddess energy and is used for prosperity and for protection. Cakes and sweet pies are associated with love and are also used in religious ceremonies throughout the world, the wedding cake is a symbol of love and an important part of a marriage ceremony. Hot cross buns are baked at Easter time and are a representation of the sun’s yang energy that makes things grow, eaten on Easter Friday they are thought to bring good luck.

Pies are a symbol of spirituality, and apple pie is associated with love and peace, blackberry pie with money, blueberry for protection, custard for spirituality, cherry for love, lemon for love, mince for luck and money, peach for happiness and wisdom, pumpkin for healing, rhubarb for protection and love, strawberry for love. When baking these pies visualise the properties that they are imbued with.

Pancakes are thought of as lucky food and they are aligned with money and luck, if you are short of cash make up a batch of pancakes, and while you are preparing and eating them think of prosperity and abundance, imagine your money woes being taken care of, also there is a sense of wellbeing when eating a sweet pancake.

When using food for magic work always have the reason for cooking certain foods, such as cooking for love, cooking for prosperity, for health or for protection. As you handle and prepare the food have a particular goal in mind, when stirring food always stir clockwise with two stirs anti-clockwise as you finish stirring. I like to think of the art of cooking as alchemy, as you begin with basic ingredients which are then turned into something delicious, always visualise your main goal as you are preparing and cooking your magical food.

Before you start cooking decide what magic you wish to conjure, for instance you may wish to have more energy, if this is the case then energy is what you think about whilst preparing your food, if your goal is protection, then this is what you think about when preparing your food. Your intention must always be clear before you begin your kitchen magic, whether it is luck, prosperity, or love you wish to draw to you. When deciding on food for your chosen magic, be sure to choose food with their specific magical properties in mind, then as you are preparing, cooking and eating the food, you are thinking about the particular properties associated with that food. Always take your time when preparing and cooking your magical meal, it is important to approach spellcasting in a relaxed manner and with a sure intention. The ancient Greeks ate beetroot to prolong life and to maintain health and beauty. An old superstition says that if a man and woman eat from the same beet, they will instantly fall in love, eat beetroot while thinking about love and partnership. Another superstition is the placing of cabbage leaves on the forehead on Friday the 13th to keep evil spirits away, in around 800 BC the death penalty was given to those who dared to steal cabbages, it was also thought that the humble cabbage could heal insanity. Cabbage has more power if served by the light of the full moon, the cabbage is also known to draw money to you, while some thought that it would help those who had disturbed sleep patterns.

Those who practice folk magic believe that all types of greens represent money, and greens are also linked with fairies, the little people used greens often in their magical practices. Make leak soup to add extra oomph to your magical protection chants, they are also thought to increase physical strength, leeks were eaten by soldiers before they went into battle.

If you add fresh dill weed to lettuce it is thought to attract money and mushrooms are said to heighten psychic awareness. Olives are used as an antidote for stress and are thought to heighten sexual desire. Onions can be eaten for virility, add ginger and cinnamon to them to increase sexual desire.

If you want to keep away evil spirits, chop an onion in half and place it on your window ledge, onions can also be eaten for protection, and you can combine them with other foods containing protective energies for more power. Mix potato and onion, parsley and chives for profound protection, for even greater effect cook and eat during the full moon.

Pumpkin cooked and pumpkin seeds are a fantastic money attractant and for extra oomph you can add cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg. Radishes can be eaten for protection, rhubarb is used for medicinal purposes, it also tastes delicious with hot custard, eat rhubarb and custard as a wonderful love potion. Seaweed is a protective food for evil spirits, it is also an exceptional health food and is a great addition to a healthy diet.

In Japan soybeans are scattered within homes for good fortune and soy is very good for protection. Tofu is eaten for psychic awareness and heightens spirituality.

To add more prosperity power to your spinach meal add sesame seeds and nutmeg, eat while visualising your money pile growing. Use alfalfa for psychic awareness, use beans for protection, mung bean for spirituality, soy for psychic awareness and protection and sunflower seeds for protection. Squash is fantastic for psychic awareness and spiritual enlightenment, it is the perfect food to eat before any magical practices.

Many women who believe in the ancient superstitions eat sunflower seeds for fertility, the seeds are also used for protection, combine with other same energy foods to add more power. If you want to excite sexual desire cook and eat sweet potato it also enhances your ability to give and to receive love.

If you mix dill, basil and cinnamon to tomatoes, you will create a very potent food to attract money, black pepper, bay leaves and rosemary enhance the protective energies in tomatoes.

Truffles are eaten to increase sexual desire, eat a meal with truffles and follow with strawberries for the perfect love dish. Use watercress to strengthen the conscious mind, the Greeks ate watercress to help keep the mind active, watercress is also eaten to promote fertility.

Apples are linked with spirituality and are also used for their protective powers, they are said to increase longevity and enhance physical strength, health and wellbeing. Add cinnamon, ginger and sugar to the humble apple before baking, to add to the love properties contained within. It is also considered auspicious to carve a heart shape into an apple before it is eaten raw. Apricots are imbued with the energy of love and can be cooked, turned into jam, or eaten raw, they are also considered an aphrodisiac. Eat avocado for inner and outer beauty, they are also considered a food of love. Bananas stimulate spirituality, they can be eaten raw or baked in a banana pie, a banana is eaten to enhance the feeling of love.

If you want to increase your sexual desire, eat blackberries raw or baked, while visualising loving moments with a desired one. Eat blueberries for protection and for powerful protection combine with rice. For loving moments prepare, cook and eat cherry pie while focusing on the feeling of beautiful love and loving moments.

Citrus was used to celebrate the wedding of Zeus and Hera the mythological god and goddess, it was thought to keep the bonds of marriage strong and also to enhance physical strength. Pomegranates are the food of love, they are also related to abundance and fertility, it is also considered to be the fruit of luck. Eat fresh raspberries and raspberry jam, or raspberry pie for happiness, protection and love.

For love potions you cannot go past Strawberries and strawberry ice cream, mix together strawberries, raspberries and ice cream and add some chocolate for a powerful love potion.

For protection you can use tangerines and if you want to enhance the power of protection combine it with another protection food. A tangerine in the kitchen is thought to protect the household from evil spirits.

The ancient Egyptians used the juice of the watermelon for health it was also used in a ritual to help the spirit move from one life to the next.

There was a time when spices were more costly than gold, in fact spices were so expensive in Europe they were too expensive to use in cookery. Today we have an abundance of delicious herbs and spices to use in all manner of ways. Early medicine was a mixture of plants and herbs and I still have fond memories of my grandmother slapping on a bread poltice whenever I injured myself, which was unfortunately often.

To attract love cook coriander, dill and basil with peas, when you eat visualise love and attraction, allow yourself to absorb the feeling.

When you begin your magic culinary acts make sure you use the appropriate herbs and spices with the correct properties, such foods with the energy of love for your love magic, foods with the energy of protection for your protection spells and foods with the energy of money for your money spells.

A list below of foods, spices, herbs and their magical properties;

Barley – Money, sex

Buckwheat – Money

Corn – Spirituality

Lentil – Peace, tranquility

Millet – Money

Oats – Money

Pretzel – Protection

Rice – Sex, money, protection

Rye – Love

Tortilla – Protection, spirituality

Wheat – Spirituality, fertility, protection, psychic awareness

Birthday cake – happiness, good luck, wishes, spirituality

Wedding cake – Fertility, good luck

Cookies – Good fortune, happiness

Pies – Spirituality

Artichoke – Protection (For additional protection combine with garlic and bay leaves)

Asparagus – Sex

Beans – Money, sex, wealth (Combine ginger and chilli with the beans for more power)

Beetroot – Love, ambiance, beauty

Broccoli – Protection and power (Works well with basil and mustard seeds)

Sprouts – Protection (For extra protection mix with basil and salt)

Cabbage – Protection and love, magical rituals (Add dill for extra power)

Carrot – Sexuality the libido (Add parsley for powerful results)

Cauliflower – Protection (For greater effect add mustard seeds and rosemary)

Celery – An aphrodisiac, sex, psychic awareness (Adding celery seed to foods stimulates psychic awareness)

Chilli – Protection

Chives – Protection

Cucumber – Healing

Eggplant – Money

Endive – Sex (The endive enhances sexual desire)

Leek – Protection

Lettuce – Peace and money

Mushroom – Psychic enhancement

Olive – Spirituality

Onion – Protection keep evil away

Peas – Love (Cooked with basil, dill and marjoram to intensify the power)

Potato – Protection (Season with rosemary, parsley and chives for powerful protection)

Pumpkin – Money, healing

Rhubarb – Love

Soy – Psychic awareness, protection

Spinach – Money

Sprouts – Psychic awareness

Sunflower – Success

Sweet potato – Sex, love

Tomato – Love, protection

Truffle – Sex

Watercress – Fertility, protection

Apple – Health, love

Apricot – Love

Avocado – Love

Banana – Love, money

Blackberries – Sex

Blueberries – Protection

Cherry – Love

Citrus – Strength

Cranberry – Protection

Date – Spirituality

Fig – Money, sex, power

Grape – Dreams, money

Raisin – Fertility

Grapefruit – Cleansing

Kumquat – Money

Lemon – Love, happiness

Lime – Purification

Mango – Love, protection

Apple – Money, love, sex

Mulberry – Fertility, psychic awareness

Nectarine – Love

Orange – Love

Papaya – Love, cleansing

Passion fruit – Peace, harmony, love

Peach – Health, wisdom, happiness

Pear – Longevity

Persimmon – Love, happiness

Pineapple – Healing, protection, money

Plum – Sex, protection

Pomegranate – Creativity, fertility

Prickly Pear – Protection

Raspberry – Protection, love

Strawberry – Love

Tamarind – Love

Tangerine – Protection

Watermelon – Healing

Allspice – Healing

Anise – Love

Basil – Money, protection, love

Bay leaf – Psychic awareness, protection, healing

Black pepper – Protection

Caraway – Sex, love

Cardamom – Sex

Chicory – Love

Cloves – Money, protection, love

Coriander – Love, sex

Cumin – Peace

Dandelion – Psychic awareness

Dill – Conscious mind thoughts, money, love

Fennel – Strength, protection

Garlic – Health, protection

Ginger – Money, love

Horseradish – Protection

Licorice – Sex, love

Marigold – Protection, happiness

Marjoram – Peace, harmony, love, tranquility

Mustard – Protection

Nutmeg – Psychic awareness

Oregano – Happiness, peace

Parsley – Money, sex

Peppermint – Healing, sex

Poppy – Fertility, love

Rose – Psychic awareness, love

Rosemary – Conscious mind, love, healing

Saffron – Spirituality

Sage – Longevity

Thyme – Psychic awareness, love

Turmeric – Purification

Vanilla – Sexuality, love

Honey – Health, sex, love spirituality, wisdom

Sugar – Love

Chocolate – Love, money

Carob – Love, money

Maple syrup – Love, money

Almond – Healing, money

Brazil nut – Love, money

Cashew – Money

Chestnut – Conscious mind, love

Coconut – Psychic awareness, spirituality

Hazelnut – Wisdom, fertility

Macadamia – Money

Peanut – Money

Pecan – Money

Pine nut – Money, love

Pistachio – Love

Sesame – Fertility, sex, money, protection

Walnut – Protection

Salt – Psychic awareness, protection

Vinegar – Protection, purification

Noodles – Longevity

Fish – Freedom, harmony, sex

Crab – Protection, aphrodisiac

Shellfish – Psychic awareness, sex

Sushi – Psychic awareness, health

Tea – Money, courage

Coffee – Mind clarity, energy

Eggs – Protection

Milk – Love

Butter – Spirituality

Yoghurt – Spirituality

Cheese – Goals

Now that you have an understanding of how magical cooking works you can look forward to many happy moments in the kitchen as you work your love, money, protection and health magic.

Kitchen Witch: Knives

Knives were first created by flaking flint, jasper, and other cryptocrystalline quartzes into finely edged tools. The knife is ruled by Mars and the element of fire. This tool has been used both for life-threatening (stabbing) as well as life-affirming (cooking) purposes. It was the first implement used for eating, for it could both cut food as well as transfer it to the mouth.

Kitchen Witch: Vegetarianism 1.3

We’re all separate, distinct persons, connected with the rest of our fellow-creatures and with the universe, and yet apart. No one diet is correct for everyone, just as no single type of haircut, food, or religion is suitable for all.

Opinions vary, but it seems that people of most earlier cultures ate meat. One food scholar states that no exclusively vegetarian society has ever been discovered. Certain members of a society may have avoided eating meat, but theirs wasn’t the usual diet. The reason for this may be that a strictly vegetarian people would have disappeared long before they could have left any traces.

Many Westerners point to modern-day India, with its taboos against eating beef, as an example of a vegetarian society. This teaching is said to date back thousands of years. It does, but the Indian avoidance of beef-eating has had a checkered past.

The Brahmins, the highest caste of India, ate beef in about 1000B.C.E.†† The religious veneration of the cow began in India around 2,000 years ago, but it wasn’t until India’s independence in 1949 that cows gained legal protection against the slaughter. Vegetarianism among Buddhists is also common worldwide.

But most Buddhists in India do eat dairy products, and the low yields of milk from the scrawny Indian cows provide a major source of protein for the Indians. Even Buddhist priests in Sri Lanka, Thailand, and other Buddhist countries eat meat. Most people of the lower castes in India, many of whom are starving,won’t turn down meat when it’s offered to them. In some cases, an empty stomach can overrule religious convictions.

Kitchen Witch: The Ritual of Eating 1.2

When the harvest had been spared, our ancestors thanked their deities with offerings of food. This may have been buried, flung into the air, or tossed into afire. The portion earmarked for the deities wasn’t consumed by humans.

Even today, with tremendous botanical knowledge and global weather reporting, farmers in most parts of the world are still at the mercy of natural forces. The increased knowledge and tools available to farmers and agribusinesses can’t stop such events from destroying their crops.

In many parts of the world that suffer food shortages, food has become a tool of politics. People are starving on every continent and within our own borders. Emergency supplies shipped to the hungry are often held up by government intervention or are funnelled to those in power.

These two factors—the uncertainty of our food supply and its scarcity in many parts of the world—should deepen our appreciation of food

Kitchen Witch: Truffle

(Tuber melanospermum)

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Energies: Love, sex

Magical uses:

The Romans believed that truffles were created by thunder.

Add truffles to foods designed to increase your ability to give and to receive love. If that’s not the important issue, eat truffles to increase sexual desire.

Kitchen Witch: Sweet Potato

(Ipomoea batatas)

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Energies: Love, sex


An English cookbook of 1596 includes the preparation of a sweet potato tart intended to excite sexual desires.

Those sweetened, orange tubers often served at Thanksgiving are actually sweet potatoes, not yams. Yams certainly do exist and are eaten in large quantities in Africa, Central and South America, and the West Indies, but not in the U.S. True yams are massive tubers, growing to as long as seven feet and tipping the scales at more than one hundred pounds. Compare these to our “yams” of November and you’ll readily see the difference.

Magical uses:

Cook and eat sweet potatoes to expand your ability to receive as well as to give love. Flavour with cinnamon, ginger, and a dash of honey or
sugar to further empower them with loving energies. Or, prepare them with visualization and share with a mate for enhanced sexuality. Inform your partner of the food’s power.

Kitchen Witch: Rhubarb

(Rheum spp.)

Planet: Venus

Element: Earth

Energies: Love, protection

Magical uses:

Rhubarb is native to China, where it is still used in medicinal herbalism.

All parts of the plant are poisonous save for the red stalks. Rhubarb is a love food. The zingy taste ensures zingy, exciting relationships
if rhubarb is prepared with visualization. Rhubarb or rhubarb/strawberry pie is one of the ultimate love foods. The addition of sugar (necessary if rhubarb is to be enjoyed) seals the loving qualities of this Venusian vegetable. A wedge of rhubarb pie makes an excellent protective dessert

Kitchen Witch: Radish

(Raphanus sativus)

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Energies: Protection


Wild radishes, eaten before breakfast, were once thought to protect the diner from being flogged and to enable one to overcome all obstacles and enemies.

Magical uses:

Slice thinly and eat for protection, especially in salads with onions, bell peppers, and other protective foods.

Kitchen Witch: Mushroom

Planet: Moon

Element: Earth

Energies: Psychic awareness


Pharaohs in ancient Egypt ate mushrooms, but the common people did not. Romans believed that mushrooms provided strength to the body.

Mushrooms, like all fungi, have long been regarded with suspicion. Their seemingly miraculous appearance overnight after a good rain, their mysterious ways of propagation, and their eerie appearance have put them into a thousand magical spellbooks and fairy tales.

Some mushrooms are delicious and quite safe to eat. Others are delicious and quite deadly. Accidental deaths still occur each year when amateur mushroom hunters pick the wrong kind of wild mushrooms to enjoy in natural meals.

Mushrooms containing hallucinogenic substances have been used for ritual purposes in Mexico, South America, Siberia, and in many other parts of the world.
They remain a popular (and illegal) street drug in parts of the United States.

Magical uses:

Add normal culinary mushrooms to meals to heighten psychic awareness.