A Kitchen Witch is a Witch who focuses his or her magical practice on the home and hearth and uses things commonly found in the kitchen as magickal tools. Kitchen Witchery may be an expression of reli...
The Kitchen Witch’s Creed In this pot, I stir to the sun an’ follow the rule of harming none. Banishment of bane when goin’ widdershins; an’ with water and salt negativity is cleansed. Household dutie...
The spoon is a bowl with a handle. As such, it is related to the moon and to the element of water. Spoons have been used for thousands of years. Until quite recently in Japan, the shamoji, or rice-spa...
There have always been vegetarians, and there have also always been omnivores (though most earlier cultures ate far less meat than we do today). Neither way is more “correct” or “ancient” or, indeed, ...
Our ancestors worshipped food, seeing it as a gift from the hands of their deities. Food magicians don’t worship food, though we respect it as a life-sustaining substance containing the energies of th...
Planet: Mars Element: Fire Energies: Protection, fertility Lore: In the ancient world, watercress was thought to strengthen the conscious mind. The Greeks (who knew the plant as kardamon) ate watercre...
(Curcurbita spp.) Element: Fire Energies: Spirituality Lore: Squash was cultivated in the Americas as early as 4000 B.C.E. Several American Indian tribes honored this plant. One striking Hopi kachina ...
(Psium sativum) Planet: Venus Element: Water Energies: Love Lore: During the Inquisition, peas were thought to be standard food for“Witches.” They have always been sacred to the Mother Goddess. Magica...
(Phytolacca americana) Planet: Mars Element: Fire Energies: Protection Magical uses: All parts of this Native American plant are poisonous, save for the young shoots. These are cooked and eaten for pr...
(Cichorium endivia) Planet: Jupiter Element: Air Energies: Physical strength, sex Magical uses: Endive is overlooked today as a salad green. This is a shame, because it can be eaten to promote physica...
(Allium spp.) Planet: Mars Element: Fire Energies: Weight loss, protection Lore: Chives may have been first grown in what is now Siberia, near the shores of Lake Baikal, one of the deepest lakes in th...
(Brassica spp.) Planet: Moon Element: Water Energies: Protection, money Lore: Superstitious persons once placed cabbage leaves on their foreheads on the dreaded Friday the 13th to keep evil far from t...
Planet: Sun Element: Fire Energies: Protection Lore: Pretzels have a long magical history. According to legend, the winter solstice was observed with a special bread in Europe during the Middle Ages. ...
(Avena sativa) Planet: Venus Element: Earth Energies: Money Lore: In Scotland, cakes known as bannocks were baked and eaten at Beltane, the old Pagan observance of May Day. Oatcakes are still eaten du...
(Solanum tuberosum) Planet: Moon Element: Earth Energies: Protection, compassion Lore: The potato is a native of Peru, where it was first cultivated by about34000 B.C.E. It was introduced to Spain (an...
Sharing a meal with friends or those you love is a ritual in itself, there is a certain energy associated with this simple pleasure, and with the magic of food our life is sustained. The oven is one o...