The Elemental Pentacle

The Elemental Pentacle, the most famous symbol of Witchcraft is a bold and fascinating statement about our place in the Universe. When the pentacle is drawn or written, the image created is called a pentagram. The pentagram represents an ancient concept that can be found in philosophical thought in both East and West. Although over 8,000 years old, the image of the pentagram is applicable in our modern world. The pentagram tells us that we have the ability to bring Spirit to Earth; this applies to every area of practical day-to-day living, as well as spiritual thought. The ability of bringing Spirit to Earth is what makes us whole.

In Craft rituals, the pentacle is a round disk inscribed with a pentagram and placed upon on the altar. The disk can be made of many different materials.

In more dangerous times, the pentacle was crafted from disposable materials such as clay or dough. To be caught in possession of a pentacle in those days could very well endanger your life.

Nowadays, pentacles are crafted in metals such as copper, brass, silver or gold. Many Witches make their own from stained glass or by etching stones or wood. The pentacle can also be personalized by adding appropriate astrological symbols, runes and other sigils (magical symbols) that have special meaning to the practitioner.

Many Witches wear a pentacle pendant or ring as a sign of their religion or as an amulet or talisman. The pentacle crafted from silver represents Moon energy and psychic forces. The same symbol made in gold represents the Sun energies of power and strength. Many pentacles come with embedded stones which can represent birth months or a particular energy that the wearer wants to attract.

During magical operations, the pentagram can be drawn in the air by the athame or sword. When drawn a certain way, it is used to either invoke or banish energies. Used on the altar, it becomes a focal point to draw in and send out the intentions of the spell or working. The simplest spells of this kind are those involving candle magic. A candle of the appropriate color is charged and place on the pentacle.

Traditionally, each of the five angles has been attributed to the five metaphysical elements of the ancients:

EARTH: (lower left hand corner) represents stability and physical endurance.
FIRE: (lower right hand corner) represents courage and daring.
WATER: (upper right hand corner) represents emotions and intuition.
AIR: (upper left hand corner) represents intelligence and the arts.
SPIRIT: (at the topmost point) represents the All and the Divine.
The Circle around the star represents the God-Goddess; it refracts and reflects all light, bringing to the wearer total intelligence, universal wisdom and protection.
The origins of the pentagram go back to remotest historical antiquity. As far back as pre-Babylonian Sumer, it has been venerated by many civilizations. To the Jewish peoples, it symbolically designated the Pentateauch, the Five Books of Moses It has survived under a variety of titles, such as “The Druid’s Root” and “The Witches Star”.

To the followers of Pythagoras, it was called “The Pentalpha” being composed of five interlaced A’s or Alphas. The Alpha being the first word of the alphabet, we can perhaps view it as showing forth unity in the midst of multiplicity. The individual as part of the Whole.

To ceremonial magicians, the points can represent various elemental energies, spirits or deities.

It is the ruling of the higher mind over the lower elements of our being. It signals the awakening of cosmic consciousness and the beginnings of our own human psyche moving beyond the realms of physical form and the perceptions limited to the five senses. It allows the infinite possibilities that exist within the Universe and frees us to explore and to grow.

This becomes a graphic portrayal of Spirit ruling over the five elements. When the pentagram is placed within a circle, it’s energy is focused and directed. The pentagram upright, to those of spiritual perception, represents the redemption of Spirit from matter by ruling over it.

Used inverted, with the top point pointed downward, it represents a second or third degree status in some traditional groups. Many of these groups have since substituted a triangle form for the same degrees because of the association of the inverted form of the pentacle with Satanism and black magic.

The number five is attributed to the influence of Mars. Thus some Witches think of the five pointed star within the circle as force or power contained and controlled by divine wisdom.

Water Element

Water’s nature is to be still, but its energy can be tremendous when acted upon by an outside force.

Reflecting upon Water’s cleansing, blessing, and nourishing properties we understand how intimately the energy and physical substance of Water is involved in our lives.

Water has a mirror-like reflective quality.

It has receptivity, sharing its ability to move and bring us deeply, to open and accept things into itself, to ripple, to calm…in relationship with emotions.

Our own bodies are made up of 80-90 percent Water, so it is no wonder many of us are drawn to its energies in some way.

West is the direction for Water.

West is the direction of emotions, introspection, the dream world, feelings, and receptivity.

It is also known for its daring and risk taking abilities.

West is also the place of harvest; of fulfillment and decay.

There is a mystery in our beginnings and our endings.

There is daring necessary for us to go to the realms of the unknown.

West is the location of the setting sun; twilight. Twilight literally means two lights.

Neither dark or day. This is a magical time of the day, a time between the worlds.

The Season of Water is Autumn; a time of turning inward after having been focused on our outward world and actions.

As we harvest we prepare to turn inward and spend the time during our upcoming winter to focus on what was and what will be.

The fluidity of Water keeps our thoughts moving, brings clarity as we dig deep and discover what has worked and what no longer serves us.

West and Water bring energies to our emotions.

Emotions have been described as energies in motions.

Utilizing the powers of Water can aid us as we work with our emotions and seek balance.

If emotions do not flow smoothly, like Water, they back up and the result is rarely good, as it often leads to stress and illness.

If our emotions are stagnant, just like stagnant Water, life ceases to flourish.

For today, look at your life.

Where can the energies of Water serve you?

What is stuck?

What is stagnant?

Where do you need more daring, more refection?

What needs cleansing?

Are we ready to bless and nourish something?

The tool for water is the cup, the chalice or the cauldron.

All of which contain.

They can hold for us nourishment, sustenance, fulfillment, all keywords also associated with the Direction of West.

From the time of our conception, we are held and contained within the sacred vessel of our mother’s womb, surrounded by her oceanic saline fluid.

We float, swim and dream in these sacred maternal waters for about 10 Moons.

This water protects us and cushion us as our bodies form and grow.

The relationship between Water and the Moon is a powerful one.

Both holding for us reflective energies, receptivity, emotional sensitivity, dreamworlds, intuition, and the power to ebb and flow.

The West is also known as the place of the Mystery of the Tides, the ever-changing, rhythmic flow of the universal power of the tides.

They serve as a reminder that just as the tides flow in and out, bringing change, so do the tides of cosmic power and energy.

They too, flow in and out, bringing change, active becoming passive…passive becoming active.

The Elemental Spirits of Water are Undines or sometimes referred to as the Nereids.

They are creatures of the waves and are sometimes seen in human form.

They are sometimes seen in the waves curling up to crash on the shore, or as faces in the waves.

These beings, as with all Spirit Guides, are energy, so they can take on whatever form you wish.

Some see magical fishes, some see mermaids and mermen.

Regardless, Undines live in the Water.

Their work is about maintaining the purity and integrity of the Waters.

The rhythms of life, emotions, ideas, dreams, receptivity…these are all areas where they are at work in our life.

They help us develop and maintain healthy emotional energies, help things flow smoothly and help us stay connected to our natural rhythms.

The energetic colors of Water that are also associated with West are what one would expect; the watery colors of blues, greens, and silvery grays of the Oceans, the special greens of the rivers, the indigo-blue of the sky just after sunset and the silver of our precious Moon.

Stones that are energetically aligned with Water are sandstone from its beaches, moonstone, pearls and most stones that are the color blue such as aquamarine. The metal that aligns is silver, which is long associated with the Moon.

When creating altars with Water energies I love to consider the different moods of Water.

If I want something to represent Ocean’s energies I use lots of blues and silvers.

I pull out my seashells and mermaid figurines. I try to capture the essence of ebb and flow.

To bring in more layers of symbolism I will add some kind of a chalice or vessel, filling it with water.

I may add the Queen of Cups from my Tarot deck to bring her feminine power to the altar.

Water’s season is Autumn. Another altar option then would be to create a seasonal altar in Autumn and choose the colors of the Autumn leaves highlighted with a bright blue of the Autumn sky.

I will add a vessel and fill it with water and add stones that invoke Water’s energies. To this, I would add symbols of nourishment and sustenance, gourds, pumpkins, dried corns, and apples.

The earth is our birthplace

The earth is our birthplace, yet for millions of us, it feels strangely foreign.

Most of us busily scurry through our lives taking little notice of the earth.

There are several reasons for this.

First, many Westerners live in cities, and by and large, our societies are no longer based on agrarian culture.

Agriculture naturally relies on human attunement to the seasonal cycles, and this is no longer a customary way of life for many people.

In contemporary life, agriculture is a job, a career choice.

Because we are, for the most part, removed from an immediate and visceral connection with nature, our awareness of how the earth sustains our lives has waned. In addition to this, our contemporary, mainstream religious paths promulgate a central doctrine that characterizes the natural world as inherently flawed, sinful, and wrong.

We all grow up with these teachings that infuse everyday life and that consequently shape our worldviews.

As a result, many of us presume nature has no value beyond our ability to exploit it.

Rite of Earth

Light incense. Pass over the working area. Place the representation of your magick key near your other supplies for this night. Smile. Close your eyes, and envision yourself surrounded by white light. Take thirteen slow, even breaths, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. When you feel relaxed, open your eyes, smile, and repeat today’s affirmation three times. Smile again. Begin by preparing tonight’s holy water. To one cup of spring water, add lemon verbena and rosemary sprigs (the number is up to you). Drop-in a few small nuggets of frankincense and myrrh. Add three drops each of lavender and chamomile essential oils. Stir with your finger or a copper rod. Connect with Spirit. Smile. Hold your hands over the water, and say: Molecules of liquid light Digitize to make things right. Moon above and earth below Center point, I make it so! Holy oils and sacred herbs Frankincense and blending myrrh Joy and peace will come to me As I will, so mote it be. 1hank you! Remember to close with a smile. Hold your hands over the salt. Take a deep breath, and exhale slowly. Smile, and say: 62 Gifts of earth, cleansed you’ll be Speak of treasure and divinity. Change my life in happy ways Guard my work both night and day. 1hank you! Smile. Sprinkle the salt generously over your new altar stone. Follow by sprinkling the surface with the holy water mixture. Hold your hands over the stone and repeat today’s affirmation three times, remembering to connect with Spirit, smile, and close with a thank you. Dot the four corners and the center of the stone with essential patchouli oil, repeating the affirmation once again. Brush off the altar stone. On the back of the paper that says treasures of the earth belong to me, draw your personal earth sigil. Place your key and the paper on the stone. Put the bowl of brown sugar on top of the paper. Dot the brown candle with honey (not too much). Place the candle sturdily in the bowl (if you think a plate will work better, that’s just fine). In HedgeWitchery, a brown candle signifies the gifts of the earth and miracles. The brown sugar and honey are used as an attraction correspondence. Sprinkle the earth you collected this morning on top of the brown sugar. Light the brown candle. Meditate for a few minutes on the meaning of earth and the willingness to open the way and accept the abundance of earth’s treasures. Remind yourself that everyone deserves to be rich, happy, and healthy, leading a life of pure joy. When you are ready, say: “This rite is finished. Thank you!” Smile. Allow the candle to burn completely, and dispose of it when it’s cold. Place the brown sugar, earth, and honey mix back in the jar. Add your earth’s treasure paper. If you have some of your signature herbs, add that too. Cap. Bury it on your property. Sprinkle holy water on your new altar to clear the stone of residual energy. If you have holy water left over, you can refrigerate it-it has a shelf1ife of about two weeks as long as the mixture is kept cold. Place your lucky bamboo plant in the center of your altar and leave it there until tomorrow morning, where you can move it to an appropriate indirectly lit area of your home. Tonight, take a few minutes to go over your journal, adding notes and entries you may have missed. Copy your earth sigil, along with any impressions you may have on the power and strength of the earth. Remember to observe all that takes place the following day in relation to the work you have begun. Remark on any dreams you may have this night. Keep your work secret.

Connecting to Earth

Sit somewhere in a natural setting: on a beach, in a forest, a field, or even in your own backyard.
Breathe deeply and close your eyes.
If your health will be compromised by exposure to inclement weather, by all means, practice this and other outdoor exercises in an indoor environment.
As you sit, imagine that you have roots that extend from the base of your spine.
These roots reach not only down into the earth, but out to everything on it.
Imagine that this vast network of roots connects you to humans, animals, plants, objects.
Take a moment to feel the pulse of your connection to the great All.
Notice where your connection to things and people might be weak and where it feels strong.
Spend ten minutes (or longer, if you can) simply feeling your connection.
When you are finished, open your eyes.
Consider the following questions:
In what way was my connection strong?
What do you suspect is the reason for any strong connections?
In what way was my connection to things weak?
What do I suspect is the reason for any weak connections?
What actions can I take that may strengthen any weak connections?

The Element of Air

The element of Air is symbolically related to breath.

It is the refined realm between the physical and spiritual planes. Air provides us with inspiration, illumination, and the ability to communicate our ideas to others.

Air represents new beginnings, the thought process, and creativity.

Air helps us to focus and direct energy towards the desired goal. It is our ability to assume and purpose.