Burn copal on a charcoal as an offering to Aphrodite and ask for her assistance: “Stately Aphrodite, born from the gentle foam of the sea She who encompasses divine beauty and inspires love in the hea...
In addition to their agricultural significance, cattle also had a divinatory role at Beltane. The appearance of a white heifer was considered very auspicious, a manifestation of Bóand, goddess of insp...
Beltane is a traditional Celtic festival that marks the beginning of summer. It is celebrated on May 1st and is known for its joyous and festive atmosphere. One of the key aspects of Beltane is the ab...
Beltane is a traditional Gaelic festival that celebrates the beginning of summer. It is typically celebrated on May 1st and is often associated with fertility, growth, and renewal. Beltane is also a t...
Beltane is a festival that marks the beginning of summer and is celebrated on May 1st in the Northern Hemisphere. The origins of Beltane can be traced back to the ancient Celts who lived in what is no...
Beltane is a significant festival celebrated by Pagans around the world. It is a time of fertility, fire, and new beginnings. While many Pagans celebrate Beltane in groups, there are also those who ch...
Celts used the cross-quarter days to mark the change of the seasons and their midpoints rather than the Solstices & the Equinoxes. The ancient Celts divided the year into two main seasons. Winter ...
Such a ritual can be used to encourage creativity and growth of all kinds. It may be performed either alone or in a group, with everyone present joining in the chants. Use as many kinds of wood as pos...
Candle colours: Dark green, silver and red Symbols: Fresh greenery, especially hawthorn; any flowers that are native to your region, placed in baskets; dew gathered on May morning (girls should bathe ...
This Celtic festival of summer is also called Bel-fire, the festival of Belenus, the Celtic god of light. Time: Sunset 30 April-sunset 2 May (31 October-2 November in the southern hemisphere) Focus: T...
This is another traditional time when the veils between the worlds are thin, and we can encounter beings from the Otherworld easily as we slip between the worlds. It is traditionally a time to honour ...
Conceive a new project, grasp that idea, and get on with it.
We still observe May Day, a contemporary version of an ancient European Pagan religious celebration. In earlier times, Beltane was connected with the dairy, and so ice cream, yoghurt, cheese, custard,...