
Modern Witchcraft

Many men and women consider themselves witches today.

The witchcraft these people practice varies widely and may be a spiritual expression of any variety of religions or a secular activity performed apart from religion.

There are even atheist witches.

Witchcraft takes several forms.

Some people cast a circle every month on the full moon, or the new moon or both.

Some carefully plan their spells based on the position of the sun, moon and planets.

Some folks will cast a spell whenever it is convenient.

The nature of the spell also varies.

Some cast a circle and perform a complete ritual each time while others will simply settle in, focus their energy, send it out and call it good.

Most modern witches create charms of protection for themselves, their homes, family pets and cars, create herbal combination for healing and other uses and occasionally cast spells when time and space permits.

Many modern witches wear a pentagram as a protective amulet and to help other witches recognize them. Most witches are solitary, though some are involve in Circles and covens.

Witchcraft is a wonderful way to release stress and to help an individual feel that he or she has some control over an otherwise uncontrollable situation.

It served an important psychological function for modern practitioners.

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