
Magikal Properties of Plants, flowers and trees

We can use these properties for healings and spell use.
I will refer to them all as “herbs” even though they aren’t all in the herb family. They can be used in herbal (“mojo”) bags, in candles, in herbal oils, ground up as an incense and a multitude of other uses.
Many of these herbs you will not be able to find easily, some are more prevalent in England and America where most of the herbal books are written, however there are other herbs you can use when you haven’t got the “right” one.

The basic herbal substitutions are:
Rose for any flower,
Rosemary for any Herb,
Tobacco for poisonous plant,
Sandalwood for any wood,
Frankincense for any gum.
(also oils and the fresh/dried herb are inter-changable)

If you are working on a oil, or a herbal bag, and want the herb for its scent, then work out a herb that smells similar and use that.
The lists of the magikal properties for the herbs give a few options, you can use one, two, or all of those herbs if you wish to.
When you pick plants, you should always thank their spirit.
Basically you are saying that you thank them for their service to you.
You should only take as much of the plant as you need, and you should never pick small plants, remember to leave enough of the plant so that it can regenerate itself
Some people like to leave an offering at the base of the tree/plant, something like a crystal or perhaps some organic matter to feed the plant.
Oils & Herbs – Basically, any essential oil or herbal infused oil will have the same properties as the plant it was derived from.
Some people use fragrant oils for anointing candles etc.
This is fine, as long as you realise that fragrant oils themselves have no magikal properties.
Although they will work by you associating the smell of rose with love, or the smell of eucalyptus with healing.
Fragrant oils will have the same effect as a naturally derived essential oil only if you put the energy into the oil to make it so, it will just be your energy, not the energy of the oil itself that does the magik.
If you cannot afford Essential oils, you can make your own herbal infused oils by putting the herb into a jar of oil and leave it sit for a week, or until the oil has absorbed the scent of the herb.
Magikal Properties of Herbs…
Courage: Dragon’s blood, frankincense, thyme, yarrow, geranium, black cohosh, borage, mullein, poke, basil, chives, honeysuckle, horseradish, rose geranium, nettle, pepper, tarragon, cedar, musk, thyme.
Happiness: St John’s wort, catnip, Hawthorne, mint, meadowsweet, lavender, celandine, hyacinth, marjoram, apple blossom, citron, feverfew, frankincense, sesame
Healing: juniper, lemonbalm, rose, sandalwood, chamomile, myrrh, bay, blackberry, burdock, cedar, fennel, garlic, narcissus, onion, hops, rosemary, vervain, coriander, eucalyptus, peppermint, sage, rue, nutmeg, oak, angelica, ash, violet, hyssop, pine, mugwort, poppy seed, amaranth, anemone, spearmint, thistle, apple, balm of Gilead, carnation, cinnamon, lavender.
Love: clove, copal, coriander, dragon’s blood, juniper, rose, aster, yarrow, lovage, lavender, lemonbalm, Orange, orris, peppermint, dill, marshmallow, sorrel, vervain, ylang ylang, apple, basil, betony, chamomile, tansy, vanilla, gardenia, jasmine, orchid, poppy, lemon verbena, caraway, myrtle, raspberry, violet, chickweed, cinnamon, cumin, meadowsweet, geranium, ginger, hibiscus, lemon, lime, marjoram, mastic, tormentil, mimosa, Neroli, palmarosa, rosemary, thyme, tonka, valerian, vetiver
Luck: Calamus, orange, rose, allspice, fennel, grains of paradise, hazel, heather, Irish moss, nutmeg, orange, poppyseed, spikenard, star anise, tonka, vetivert, violet, clover, comfrey, fern, horsetail, shamrock.
Lust: Clove, patchouli, peppermint, ambergris, caraway, cinnamon, civet, deer’s tongue, ginger, ginseng, grains of paradise, hibiscus, lemongrass, nettle, olive, parsley, rosemary, saffron, sesame, tuberose, vanilla, yerba mate.
Money: Calamus, clove, galangal, Orange, patchouli, elder, vervain, mustard seeds, allspice, almond, basil, bergamot mint, chamomile, cedarwood, cinnamon, cinquefoil, clover, dill, myrtle, nutmeg, oakmoss, peppermint, pine, sage, sassafras, tonka, vetivert, wood aloe, woodruff, comfrey, ginger, honeysuckle, spearmint, wheat, bryony, high John the conqueror, hyssop, jasmine.
Peace: Lavender, cumin, gardenia, lilac, magnolia, meadowsweet, narcissus, pennyroyal, tuberose, violet
Psychic: Clove, galangal., mace, Orange, orris, flax, peppermint, rose, hibiscus, lily, wormwood, borage, honeysuckle, acacia gum, anise, poplar, bay, camphor, cassia, cinnamon, gardenia, heliotrope, lemongrass, lilac, marjoram, gum mastic, mugwort, nutmeg, saffron, star anise, thyme, tuberose, yarrow, citron, cypress, tangerine.
Protection: calamus, mullein, peony, geranium, rose, rosemary, St john’s wort, snap dragon, clove, copal, cypress, dragon’s blood, heliotrope, cyclamen, eucalyptus, wormwood, vervain, frankincense, cedarwood, garlic, galangal, juniper, lavender, myrrh, orris, hyssop, woodruff, violet, patchouli, rose, acacia, agrimony, angelica, lilac, vetiver, valerian, sage, anise, ash, birch, broom, dogwood, dill, thistle, sandalwood, mistletoe, Arabic gum, asafoetida, balm of Gilead, basil, bay, bergamot mint, pine, pennyroyal, black pepper, caraway, carnation, cedar, cinnamon, clover, cumin, rue, peppermint, fennel, fern, flax, lilac, lotus, mandrake, marigold, mimosa.
Purification: Benzoin, calamus, copal, eucalyptus, frankincense, lavender, myrrh, peppermint, sandalwood, valerian, vervain, sage, iris, thistle, yucca, anise, gum Arabic, bay, chamomile, camphor, cedar, cinnamon, fennel, hyssop, lemon, lemon verbena, lime, mimosa, musk, parsley, pine, rosemary, thyme, tobacco, elder, basil, dragon’s blood, lavage, orange, peppermint, rue, saffron, solomon’s seal.
Beauty: catnip, ginseng, maidenhair fern, yerba santa, avocado pit, dried cucumber peel.
Employment: devil’s shoestring, lucky hand, pecan, almond.
Divination: Broom, camphor, dandelion, hibiscus, meadowsweet, orris, pomegranate, mugwort, dragon’s blood, bay, black willow, cherry, fig, orange, rowan, hazelwood, anise, ash, bistort, chicory, cinnamon, cinquefoil, eyebright, goldenrod, gum mastic, juniper, marigold, nutmeg, patchouli, yarrow, rose, rosemary, sandalwood, star anise, thyme, wormwood.
Friendship: Lemongrass, sweetpea, passion flower.
Mental ability: Eyebright, horehound, mustard seed, periwinkle, rosemary, thyme, basil.
Sleep: Agrimony, chamomile, hops, lavender, passion flower, peppermint, valerian, clary sage, clove, jasmine, lemonbalm, meadowsweet, myrrh, sweet cicely, wisteria.
Strength: carnation, mulberry, pennyroyal, oak, saffron.
Spirituality: Frankincense, gardenia, heather, Sandalwood, myrrh, gum arabic, cassia, cinnamon, copal, gardenia, jasmine, heliotrope, lotus, pine, sage, wood aloe.
Success/prosperity: Cinnamon, patchouli, chamomile, bay, bergamot, chamomile, lovage, marigold, rosemary, rue, saffron, sweet pea, benzoin.
Wisdom: Bodhi, iris, sage, yew, willow, agrimony, borage, chervil, endive, cumin, hyssop, thyme, violet.
Banishing: Black willow, hellebore, clove, pine, lemon, sage, myrrh, frankincense.
Enchantment: Elderberry, elfswort, lavender
Magikal power: Allspice, carnation, dragon’s blood, ginger, gum mastic, tarragon, vanilla, elder, nutmeg, bay, mace, garlic.
Prophetic dreams: Camphor, cinquefoil, heliotrope, jasmine, marigold, mimosa, rose, angelica, mugwort, rose, onion, vanilla, carrot, grape.
Fertility: Fig. Geranium, mustard, patchouli, peach, poppy, dandelion, hazelnuts, ash.
Communication: Caraway, dill, fennel, lavender, lemon verbena, sweet marjoram, black mustard, white mustard, parsley, savoury, lilac, basil.
Travel: Caraway, dill, fennel, lavender, lemon verbena, sweet marjoram, black mustard, hedge mustard, white mustard, parsley, savoury, mint, catmint, chives.
Abundance: Alfalfa, cinnamon, ginger, sandalwood, saffron, vanilla.
Adaptation: Apple, rosemary
Creativity: angelica, nutmeg, lunar herbs
Blessing: elder berries, elder flowers, petals and seeds
Cleansing: pine, lemon, hyssop, cinnamon, sandalwood.
Conscious mind: rosemary
Dedication: grapes, celery, vanilla
Discernment: bay, mint, saffron, peach, jasmine, rose
Doubt: rose, gardenia
Ecology: soil, leaves
Energy: carnation, ginger, bread
Fear: tea, thyme, mullein, dandelion, hazelnuts, ash
Forgiveness: coconut, lavender, mint, parsley
Foundations: soil, seedlings, roots.