
Knots of Love Binding Spell

This spell is best used when two people are already in
love. I don’t recommend this spell to bind people against
their will, especially in the case of a separation or divorce.
Items needed: One 9” length of red cord, photographs
of you and the one you desire, two red candles, and
a red cloth pouch large enough to hold the bound

Place all the items on your altar. Take several deep
breaths, pick up the picture of your loved one, and look
directly at it. Visualize the person in the picture being attentive
and loving. Light one candle and say:
With flame and fire
I create desire.
As this spell I fashion
I do bring forth passion.
Take several deep breaths, light the other candle,
and repeat:

With flame and fire
I create desire.
As this spell I fashion
I do bring forth passion.
Take the pictures and place them face to face. Hold them
close to your heart and visualize the romance, feel the passion
between you and the other person. Place the pictures
between the two candles. Pick up the cord and tie seven
evenly spaced knots in it. With each knot you tie, chant:
By the power of earth and heaven
Turn to me, turn to me by seven.
Pick up the pictures, being sure to keep them face to
face, and bind them together with the cord. As you do this,
chant with great emotion:
With knot and cord your love and mine
Heart to heart I firmly bind.
Place the bound pictures back on the altar between the
candles. When the candles have completely burned out, lovingly
place the bound pictures in the red pouch. Keep the
pouch with you during the day and place it under your
pillow at night.