Yarrow Spell

It is said that yarrow enhances a telepathic link
between lovers, loving friends and members of
your immediate family. It is also very good if
you use it as a sort of psychic telephone line
between members of a development circle
(several people working together for one
another’s development) or a healing circle.
Mercury incense
Pieces of yarrow stalk preferably from a single
stalk (If not then at least from the same plant)

✤ Light the incense.
✤ Consecrate the stalks by passing them three
times through the incense.
✤ Say:
I dedicate these stalks for the purpose of
communication between us.
May they be used wisely and well.
✤ Now distribute them to the people with
whom you wish to be in contact.
✤ If doing this as part of a group ritual then
spend a few moments making a mental link
with each person in the group.
✤ When you need to be in contact, need help or
wish to draw on the power of the group, hold
your piece of stalk in your left hand and call
on the other person or persons.
Herbs and incenses had a far greater meaning in times
gone by, and now that we are able to grow so many
more herbs in pots, and obtain the raw ingredients
from specialist shops, we can revert to the old ideas
and use many of the powers and correspondences our
forebears knew so well. Yarrow is often seen as a weed,
but in fact has many magical uses.