Imbolc Prayers

Imbolc Prayers Prayer to Brigantia Keeper of the Forge

  The goddess Brighid was known by many names. In parts of northern Britain, she was called Brigantia, and was seen as a keeper of the forge. In this aspect, she is associated with smithcraft and...

Imbolc Prayers Smooring the Fire a Prayer to Brighid

  Alexander Carmichael was a folklorist and author who spent nearly five decades traveling around the highlands of Scotland collecting stories, prayers and songs. His most noteworthy work, the Ca...

Imbolc Prayers thanks to Brighid Meal Blessing

    In some modern Pagan traditions, it is customary to offer a blessing before a meal, particularly if it’s being held in a ritual context. At Imbolc, it’s a season to honor Bri...

Imbolc Prayers Brighid’s Fire Meal Blessing

The goddess Brighid is well known as a keeper of the hearth fires in the home. As such, she is often associated with matters of domesticity, including cooking and kitchen magic. If you’re preppe...