Point at the target then draw an X across their body and point down to the ground. Focus to keep them in one place and unable to do anything.

You can use a sigil instead of an X for this exact purpose, if you’d like.

Practical tips: Know your rights. Remember to wear good shoes, have an exit strategy, and wear a mask (which you should be doing anyway, because coronavirus is still a thing.) Charge your phone and maybe take a moment to look up what lawyers are offering to represent protesters then write that down somewhere that is not your phone (in case it’s lost or broken). Bringing some medical supplies and water is also a great idea. Just… prepare yourself for things to go poorly

Creating a Hex sign


a blank sign, canvas, piece of paper, cardboard, etc. whatever you have
a nail or something to hang it up
paint, markers, pencils, anything to color and decorate it
your favorite scented oils
an idea
I would suggest thinking about what you wish the sign to bring. Think about the colors, symbols, and arrangement. I would also suggest getting a symbols book to know what represents what. (Ex: Roses- love, Tulips- Hope, Wolves- Protection, Cats- Luck, Blue Bell Flowers- Fae)
After thinking of an idea, it’s time to create it! Paint the hex sign; you may want to play a favorite song in the background to help make the atmosphere more enjoyable. If you have children they can help as well
Let the hex sign dry, and as it does you may say a few chants to state its purpose “Hex sign, hex sign, give me (insert desire)”
When it is done drying, you will anoint it with your favorite scented oils.
Lastly, place the hex sign in the place it will do the most good. IT could be the kitchen, the entry room, living room, or even a bathroom