
Types of Ghosts 9, Shadow People, The Hat Man, and Shadow Spiders.

Types of Ghosts 9, Shadow People, The Hat Man, and Shadow Spiders. Some people believe shadow people were once of a human nature, though I’m not quite sure I believe in this theory. I’ve encountered a...

Types of Ghosts 6, Hitchhiking Ghosts (Attachers)

Types of Ghosts 6, Hitchhiking Ghosts (Attachers) You’ve heard those creepy stories about people pulling over to the side of the road to give a girl in a prom dress a ride home? And then they find out...

Types of Ghosts 3, Wandering Souls.

Types of Ghosts 3, Wandering Souls. While also apparently a Spanish flamenco song, wandering ghosts are a type of ghost that I am all too familiar with. I don’t know the song, but I know the ghost. I ...

Types of Ghosts 5, Doppelganger and Fetch Spirits.

Types of Ghosts 5, Doppelganger, and Fetch Spirits. Now the doppelganger is a ghost that could be the soul of a dead human being OR the fetch of a human being. This spirit is the “spiritual twin” of a...

Types of Ghosts 4, Residual Energy or “Imprints”.

Types of Ghosts 4, Residual Energy or “Imprints”. This type of ghost isn’t intelligent, meaning it isn’t a sentient being with its own thoughts, feelings, or form, necessarily. A residual energy ghost...

Types of Ghosts 2, Intelligent Ghosts and Classic Hauntings.

Types of Ghosts 2, Intelligent Ghosts, and Classic Hauntings. This is probably the most iconic type of ghost or what we also call a “classic” haunting. This spirit is the disembodied soul that once in...

Types of Ghosts 1.

Types of Ghosts 1. It’s midnight. Someone calls your name from down the hall. You peak from your bedroom door and notice that everyone is sound asleep in their own beds. You turn to go back to your be...


Ghosts are universal, some quiet, some noisy, most benevolent, some malevolent. However a ghost presents itself to the individual or the many, you are forced to take notice. Ghosts make contact for a ...

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