Litha/ Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice St John’s Wort Flowers1

Typically flowering on the longest day of summer, this ‘sunshine’ plant is a powerhouse of usefulness. Topically it is a skin plant for cuts, burns, wounds, bruises and some skin diseases. You can use it freshly picked, rubbing the flowers straight onto the skin. You can also chop up small or liquidize the top parts (small top leaves but mostly flowers) and put the ‘mash’ over the area as a fresh poultice (covered in material to hand and with a hot water bottle on top if you wish). Alternatively, make St John’s Wort oil, soak the flowers and top leaves in olive oil, cramming in as much plant material as possible. Shake daily and watch the oil turn a little red. After 3-3 weeks strain it off and you will now have your own ‘St John’s Wort oil’ for topical use.

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