Litha/ Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice, Litha, The Longest Day

The Summer Solstice, also known as Litha, occurs on, the 21st of June, marking the astronomical first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.

The sun is at the height of its power – the longest day!

This is a dual celebration. On one hand, it’s a celebration of the outward cycle of the sun and all that has manifested and on the other, it is a celebration of the return of the dark as from now on the days will shorten. Take time to honour something in your life that has ended and something new that is beginning.

This is a time of rampant growth. The trees are in full leaf and blossom, plants are flowering, and an abundance of fruit and vegetables are ripening.

It’s a time to celebrate what you have achieved and manifested. It is a time to enjoy what you have and who you are.

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