Oh, he be a beast of a little man. Why that stingy old Jack O’ Lantern. Forever he shall be a lost soul as he wanders the realms of no mans lands.Neither heaven nor hell will let him in. Why, even the faery folk they turned him away. O, he thought he could fool the devil and a fool he be to think so.
O, here he be
There he be
Wandering free
O, here he be
There he be
Looking for thee
O, here he be
There he be
Trouble is he
O, here he be
There he be
Just wait and see
O’er All Hallows Eve, they do say that wicked old Jack wanders the land, looking for trouble.Many, many a year ago in Ireland, upon All Hallows’Eve it was tradition to carve out ugly faces onto lumpy old turnips or potatoes and place them onto the window sills as the darkness did fall. Many believing that this would frighten off old Jack or any other mischievous spirits wandering around.
And, as the years have gone by the tradition has travelled near and far to other countries where pumpkins are used instead of turnips