The word Clairvoyance comes from the french word clair which means “clear” and voyance which means “vision.” A clairvoyant is someone who receives intuitive information visually. Some call this third eye visions or second sight. A clairvoyant sees the truth about the past, present, future. Clairvoyance is the natural development of the sixth sense. When your third sense is developed you are able to see things others cannot such as spirits, energy fields, auras, and visual premonitions. A clairvoyance sees what others do not.
Are you clairvoyant?
You have constant déjà vu.
Getting visions is normal for you.
Your gut “feeling” is always accurate.
You have powerful, vivid dreams.
You can “see” trouble and when things are about to go wrong.
You find yourself daydreaming a lot.
You have had precognitive visions in dream or meditation
You are starting to see flashes of Light or having blurry vision
You see things out of the corner of your eye and are constantly double checking that there is nothing there.
When you are listening to a conversation and you can visually see the events unraveling in your mind.
You often create entire scenes in your mind about the future.
You are a visual learner.
The aesthetics of you living space is important.
Movement in your peripheral vision when there is no movement in the room.
Spontaneous images that “flash” before your eyes
Ethereal colors surrounding a person or living thing
You find it easy to visualize in your mind.
You are visually observant
You have mental images randomly flash “before your eyes”
You see flashes of colors, numbers, and symbols.
It is easy to visualize places, people, and events.
It sometimes seems like their is a “movie” playing in your head.
You have a great sense of direction.
You appreciate beautiful things.
You can envision entire plans inside your head.
You have been told that you have a vivid imagination.
You had imaginary friends with detailed life stories as a child