This, again, is mostly for working with nature spirits, ghosts, and daemons. Make sure you know what you are doing, and do not start something first. Although you might feel threatened, it does not mean they are malicious or trying to hurt you. Test the energy first, and if you are unwelcomed, leave. You do not want to be powerless against something much, much more powerful than yourself, and you definitively do not want to start something with an entity much more powerful than yourself. This is a last resort.
Keep your magickal space clean. Smudge it regularly to get rid of negativity. Nature spirits do not like unclean areas, especially earth spirits. They will take your things and hide them, or they will disappear altogether. Place protective symbols on your doors, windows, and mirrors. Look into hoodoo and voodoo floor washes if you can, and keep it tidy and looking neat. Recharge your area regularly.
Keep an open-mind. Some spirits just down right hate humans, but have valuable lessons to tell and can be interesting to see as to why they hate us so much. Others like to help and guide us, and can shed new light on situations or turn them around completely. Some may have a very strong dark energy that you might not fully understand, or some may intimidate you. Sometimes a deity will not be what you are expecting, and can frighten you, but remember: they do not go by our human morals or ethics, for they are not of this plane or humanly world.
Be gracious. Give thanks to them, if they were willing to talk or make their presence known. Even if they do not, thank them for listening. Don’t forget about them and put them on the ‘back burner’ because that may infuriate them.