The Truth-speakers, the ones who refuse to contain their feelings, those who challenge and humanize the toxic status quo, are often scapegoated and vilified, made to feel crazy by those who lack the courage and insight to see beyond the family’s madness.
If you have been labeled the ‘crazy one’, take heart. You are truly not alone.
Most great creators and paradigm shifters were met with fiery resistance by those afraid to grow. Whatever you do, do not allow your voice to fade away in the face of their messaging.
Your Voice, your vision, your ways of being, live at the heart of your unique Soul’s Journey and are the key to collective transformation.
No one has the right to bury them under a bushel of shame. No one!
And remember- what is crazy to an unconscious person is often brilliantly sane to one who is Awakened.
Without you, we are lost. Blessed be the ‘crazy’ ones!