Be clear in your intentions towards your dreams. Write them down and review them before going to bed, so they’ll be fresh in your mind each night. Examples of your intentions might include:
I will remember my dreams
I will get plenty of rest.
I will wake up 15 minutes before the alarm goes off.
I will record my dreams daily.
I will use my dreams to help me improve my life.
The more attention you pay to your dreams, the more helpful they will become. Some suggestions:
Buy a special notebook to record your dreams in.
Read books or magazine articles on dreams; look at internet resources.
Think about your dreams during the day.
Talk about your dreams with friends or family.
Spend some time each morning recalling your dreams and think about their significance.
Keep a dream journal.
Join a dream group.
Value your dreams. Treat them with respect. Act as if they are a cherished friend.
Our expectations and willingness to cooperate greatly influence the outcome of events in our lives.
Expect to remember your dreams!
Expect to find a clear meaning to your dream.
Expect to get answers to your questions or solutions to your problems.