
Types of Ghosts 7, Wraiths.

Types of Ghosts 7, Wraiths.

A wraith is described like any other ghost, as a spirit of someone who died that has stuck around after leaving its body. However, a wraith is a ghost that has attached itself to someone or something. That something is often an object like a ring (think the Ring wraiths in Lord of the Rings), a piece of furniture, a doll, or heirloom of some kind. They are so obsessed with that object that they don’t want to leave it and their spirit sticks to it like flies to sticky tape. In the case of the infamous dolls Annabelle and Rober the Doll, I believe there may be wraiths attached to these items. Although I know the common theory is that these dolls are possessed by demons. There have been plenty of pieces of furniture and art that are inhabited or haunted by wraiths.