Types of Ghosts 1.
It’s midnight. Someone calls your name from down the hall. You peak from your bedroom door and notice that everyone is sound asleep in their own beds. You turn to go back to your bed and catch a glimpse of a shadow out of the corner of your eye. So you figure you’re being haunted. But the question is, by what? Believe it or not, there are multiple types of ghosts, and what type you’re dealing with will determine how you should handle the haunting. Let’s dive in and resolve this paranormal activity.
Please note. The way this post is written is not coming from a paranormal investigator’s perspective, but from an individual who has had multiple personal experiences with spirits since childhood. Unprovoked. Meaning, I didn’t hunt down ghosts with cameras and fancy equipment in order to create a personal belief system around spirits, what they are and what they go about doing on this plane of existence. I am a magical practitioner, Reiki healer, nurse, and I have some abilities including claircognizance, clairsalience, clairaudience and physical empathy. That doesn’t mean that I see/hear/smell/feel etc. ghosts all of the time. But when the timing is right and spirits want to be sensed, I typically do sense them in one way or another. Often through dreams and in passing moments when I least expect them. This is something I feel many people might experience if they were open to it.
So, let me get to the point here. What is a ghost, exactly? I think the definition might vary a bit per person; however, most people come to the conclusion that a ghost is a spirit. Usually a spirit of a human being who has passed away and somehow got “stuck” on this plane or somewhere between this plane and the next. While I agree with this definition, I believe it’s much more complicated than that. Ghosts can’t be put into boxes (well, sometimes but that’s for another post). They can’t be put into proverbial boxes…But I will try my best to delineate between the types of ghosts that I am aware of below. And to further the definition, I include any spirit that interacts with human beings that isn’t a god/goddess, angel, saint, etc. of that order. But more earthly beings.