
The majority of people who are new to spell
working will acknowledge that for them common
sense backed up by practical action is normally
more productive than theoretical or mystical
thinking. In magical working, as in everyday life,
when we have to handle a wide range of
circumstances, common sense in dealing with
them will normally produce the best results.
However, when we are confronted with the
unusual or difficult, or are faced by extreme
anxiety, even the most practical-minded among us
will theorize in order to make sense of what is
happening. We have not moved such a long way
since those times, in the distant past, when our
ancestors and people around the world routinely
believed that if the crops failed then the gods must
be angry. Practices carried out then are still with
us in the form of many of the festivals and feasts,
which still have relevance in the societies where
they began. Some of you may choose not to use
the spells in this section, but they do offer a return
to basics and give fascinating insights into how
our ancestors dealt with everyday challenges.