Folk Magick / Healing Magick / Health Magick

Folk Medicine and Remedies Headache

Folk Medicine and Remedies Headache

Is there really anything worse than having a bad headache? To lie there in bed just wanting to chop your head off. That’s not what I would recommend, although it surely would cure the migraine it self. Here are some more or less useful tips against mild pain and real migraine.

  • Headaches may come from dehydration, drink a couple of glasses of water.
  • Chamomile tea made from the flowers is antiseptic but also analgesic.
  • Acupressure: massage the small pit between the ears, in the middle of the thumb grip or the point an inch out from the corner of the eye.
  • Massage does, even if it doesn’t help, at least feel good. Concentrate on shoulders and neck.
  • Migraine tea: Pour 1.5 – 2 dl (~5.1 – 6.8 fl oz) of hot (not boiled) water over 2 tsp of grated horse radish, strain and drink immediately.
  • Keep a small bottle with 3 drops of essential lavender oil in Almond oil. Rub it on your temples.
  • Migraine: Store some fresh Featherfoil leaves in aluminum foil in the freezer. Chew on some as soon as you notice the first symptoms. If you can’t stand the taste, there are capsules and pills with Featherfoil.