(Tussilago jar far a) P N XFolk Names: Ass’s Foot, British Tobacco,Bull’s Foot, Butterbur, Coughwort, Pasd’ane (French), Sponnc (Irish), Foal’s FootGender: FemininePlanet: VenusElement: WaterPowers: L...
(Cimicifuga racemosa) P NFolk Names: Black Snake Root, Bugbane,Rattle Root, Squaw Root, Actaea,CimicifugaGender: MasculinePowers: Love, Courage, Protection, PotencyMagical Uses: Use black cohosh in lo...
(Cocos nucifera)Folk Names: Niyog, RanedjGender: FemininePlanet: MoonElement: WaterPowers: Purification, Protection, ChastityMagical Uses: Coconut has long been usedin chastity spells, as well as in p...
(Lycopodium clavatum) XFolk Names: Foxtail, Lycopod, Selago,Vegetable Sulfur, Wolf Claw, Moririr-WaMafikaGender: FemininePlanet: MoonElement: WaterPowers: Protection, PowerMagical Uses: The herb, when...
(Borago officinalis) Herb: X; Seed oil: GFolk Names: Bugloss, Burrage, Herb ofGladness, Star Flower, Borak, Lisan selvi,Lesan-El-TourGender: MasculinePlanet: JupiterElement: AirPowers: Courage, Psychi...
(Trifolium spp.) GFolk Names: Honey, Honeystalks, Shamrock,Three-Leaved Grass, Trefoil, TrifoilGender: MasculinePlanet: MercuryElement: AirDeity: RowenPowers: Protection, Money, Love, Fidelity,Exorcis...
(Acorus calamus) Poison: Several plants aresold under the name of Calamus and two ofthose are very dangerous to take internally,so we must recommend not using calamusinternally.Folk Names: Gladdon, My...
(Acorus calamus) Poison: Several plants aresold under the name of Calamus and two ofthose are very dangerous to take internally,so we must recommend not using calamusinternally.Folk Names: Gladdon, My...
(Arctium lappa) GFolk Names: Bardana, Beggar’s Buttons,Burrseed, Clotbur, Cockleburr, GreatBurdock, Happy Major, Hardock,Hurrburr, PersonataGender: FemininePlanet: VenusElement: WaterPowers: Protectio...
(Brassica oleracea) GGender: FemininePlanet: MoonElement: WaterPowers: LuckMagical Uses: Cabbage should beplanted in the garden the first thingafter a couple has been married, ifthey wish to have good...
(Fagopyrum spp.) AFolk Names: Beechwheat, Brank, FrenchWheat, Saracen CornGender: FemininePlanet: VenusElement: EarthPowers: Money, ProtectionMagical Uses: Grind the seeds (make flour)and sprinkle aro...
(Rhamnus catharticus, R.frangula,R.spp.) PNL t I AbIiCh-12R. frangula bark must be aged two yearsprior to internal use.Folk Name: Hart’s ThornGender: FemininePlanet: SaturnElement: WaterPowers: Protec...
(Barosma betulinayAgathosmabetulina) P KFolk Names: Bookoo, Bucoo, Buku, OvalBuchu, Short Buchu, Sab, PinkaouGender: FemininePlanet: MoonElement: WaterPowers: Psychic Powers, Prophetic DreamsMagical U...
(Bryony spp. dioica) PoisonFolk Names: Gout Root, Ladies’ Seal, MadRoot, Snake Grape, Tamus, Tetterberry,Wild Hops, Wild Vine, Wood Vine, EnglishMandrakeGender: MasculinePlanet: MarsElement: FirePower...
(Cytisus scoparius) PoisonFolk Names: Banal, Basam, Besom, Bisom,Bizzon, Breeam, Broom Tops, Brum,Genista Green Broom, Irish Broom, IrishTops, Link, Scotch Broom, Hog WeedGender: MasculinePlanet: Mars...
(Pteridium aquilinum) XGender: MasculinePlanet: MercuryElement: AirPowers: Healing, Rain Magic, PropheticDreamsMagical Uses: If you burn bracken outside,rain will fall.Bracken is also used for protect...