
Stability and Consistency

When the earth as a planet and its and moon were developing. The moon actually gave the earth the stability that is needed to bring consistency to its chaotic climate and ecosystems. This gave life a ...

Full Moon Magick Phase

Even though we usually associate the Full Moon with magic, it’s not the onlyphase that tugs at our emotions. The waxing, waning, and dark phases also comeinto play. In fact, each phase exudes a ...


Authenticity is the new awake. It is not an awake spirit in the absence of body or world, but our willingness to integrate our awakening spirit, into the body and express our uniqueness fully in the w...

The infinity is creation

The first known thing in the creation is infinity. Infinity became aware. Awareness led to the focus of infinity into infinite energy. You have called this by various vibrational sound complexes, the ...

Believe in Yourself

Trust that something far greater is in the works for you. Your blessings belong to you. It’s already meant for you. You have to start accepting this as your truth. Things are getting very clear for yo...


Every day is a new day for me to switch things up. I keep evolving. I thrive in uncertain situations. I bounce back from challenges. I break free from cycles. I am resilient. I am unstoppable. I have ...

Transform your World

To transform the world, we must begin with ourselves. What is important in beginning with ourselves is our intention. The intention must be to understand ourselves. It is not to leave it to others to ...

Chamber Spells

Moving, renovating, or redecorating provides theopportunity to enchant a room. Several chamber spells aregiven here. These are spirit-of-place workings that improvethe energy signatures of rooms in sp...

Solitary Witchcraft

There are many reasons for performing witchcraft alone: your personal circumstances or the locationof your home may mean that you cannot travel to a group, or you may live in an area where there arefe...

Advanced Shielding & Grounding

You will need the following items for this spell:ConcentrationCasting Instructions for ‘Advanced Shielding & Grounding’I don’t think shielding should be that difficult. You will need a good imagin...

Spiritual identity

The overlap of spirituality and identity has received considerable attention in the last several decades and is rooted in muchof Erikson’s work on identity development (Kiesling, Sorell,Montgomery, &a...

Spiritual Correspondence

Goddess, transcendence, immanence, omnipresence, the void, all and nothing, within and without, the center of theuniverse and the Self. Location/ Direction: Center; up, down and all around. Colou...

Hex-Breaker Spell

Do you suspect that someone may be working magickallyagainst you? Do you fear that you have been cursed?Chances are that you’re mistaken and simply experiencingthe normal vicissitudes of life, but cas...

Silver Bullet Spell

Legend has it that a werewolf can only be killed by a silverbullet. Do you have a problem that is so menacing, sofearsome, or so dangerous that it has become almost like awerewolf in your life? Have a...

Kitchen Spell

The kitchen is the center of a home, so bespelling it canbenefit the entire family as well as everyone who eats thefood prepared there. This spell is best cast by the personwho will do most of the coo...

Children’s Room Spell

The bedrooms of children of any age can be enchanted toenhance their happiness and well-being. This spell can becast for a room where one child sleeps or for a room that isshared by two or more childr...