Dragon’s blood

Dragon’s blood is masculine, and is ruled by
Mars with the Element Fire. A type of palm, it is
widely included in love, protection and
purification spells, usually in the form of a resin.
It is carried for good luck; a piece of the plant
kept under the bed is said to cure impotency.
Dragon’s blood increases the potency of other


Daisy is feminine and is ruled by Venus and the
Element Water. If you decorate your house with
it on Midsummer’s Eve, it will bring happiness
into the home. Daisies are also worn at
Midsummer for luck and blessings. Long ago,
young maidens would weave daisy chains and
wear them in their hair to attract their beloved


Clove is masculine and is ruled by the Sun. Its
Element is Fire. Wear it in an amulet or charm to
dispel negativity and bind those who speak ill
of you. Cloves strung on a red thread can be
worn as a protective charm. It helps with money
matters, visions, cleansing and purification.


Cinnamon is masculine and is ruled by the Sun.
Its Element is Fire. Its magical properties are
used to help in spiritual quests, augmenting
power, love, success, psychic work, healing and
cleansing. It is used in incense for healing,
clairvoyance and high spiritual vibrations; it is
also reputed to be a male aphrodisiac. Use it in
prosperity charms. It is an excellent aromatic
and makes a good anointing oil for any magical


Camomile is masculine, and is ruled by the Sun
or Venus. Its Element is Water. Its magical
properties show that it is good as a meditation
incense, for centring and creating an
atmosphere of peace. Sprinkle it in your home
for protection, healing and money. Plant
camomile in your garden to be the guardian of
the land, and you will have certain success. It is
an excellent calming herb.

Basil Spell for Business

Glass jar or metal container
Handful of basil leaves
One pint of boiling water
✤ Shred the basil leaves into the container.
✤ Pour the boiling water over the leaves.
✤ Allow to steep for four days.
✤ Strain out the leaves and reserve the
remaining liquid.
✤ Sprinkle the liquid over the thresholds and
windowsills of the business premises and
anywhere else the public is likely to go.
You may also choose to work according to feng shui
principles (see the Pa Kua diagram on page 16) and
place the plants in the prosperity area. The
nurturing of the seeds obviously has significant
symbolism in the growing of the business, so it is
good to have plants in various stages of
development. As you can see, this spell uses
information gained from several cultures, showing
how universal herbal magic can truly be.

Basil for Business

Many Hindu families keep a tulsi or Holy Basil
plant in a specially-built structure, which has
images of deities installed on all four sides,
with an alcove for a small earthenware oil
lamp. Here basil is used very simply to enhance
business matters. Just how widely it is used
throughout the world is shown by the use of
the second technique, which is said to ensure
that you will always be prosperous. This latter
technique owes a great deal to voodoo and the
technique of floor washing.
Basil seeds and plant
Pots containing compost
Small oil lamp
✤ Place the pot and plants where they can be
safely left.
✤ Carefully nurture the seeds to maturity.
✤ Whenever practical, light the oil lamp and
keep it burning. This action honours the
goddess Tulsi who fell in love with Krishna
and calls upon her beneficence.