Healing Magick

The Greek Way of Herbal Healing

In classical Greek science and medicine, everything in the universe has its own inherent nature and temperament, or balance of the Four Basic Qualities: Hot, Cold, Wet and Dry. This is the basis of ho...

Healing Guilt

While it can be therapeutic to put something off, procrastination or ignoring a problem isn’t self-care; in fact, it’s the opposite. Ignoring a problem just makes it more of a problem. Self-care invol...

Witches’ History of Healing

Contemporary witches and Pagans view healing as one of their most important functions. They use a wide range of healing techniques, including magic; herbal and folk remedies; bodywork, and energy work...


An Electuary is a medicinal paste created with something sweet, such as honey or jam. Thick electuaries can be rolled into little balls for children to take with some juice, and thinner electuaries ca...

Random Natural Remedies

Best deodorants is plain old baking soda. You can pat it right onto your skin or mix it with a little cornstarch for extra staying power and moisture control. Try 1/2 cornstarch and 1/2 baking soda. S...

Healing Herbs For Anxiety & Stress

Anxiety is a normal response to a stressful situation. It is an emotion that we all experience at some point. It keeps us alert and ready for action as a survival mechanism, allowing us to react quick...

Psoriasis herbal remedies

Aloe (externally): Preliminary studies indicate that aloe vera gel may be useful in the treatment of psoriasis and other skin conditions that include an inflammatory component. In one study, it showed...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices

ALLSPICE Active ingredient is eugenol, same as cloves. Topical pain relief, tea and mouthwash. ANISE Seven tsp. of seed to one quart water, boil down by half, add 4 tbsp. of honey, take two tsp to cal...

Anti-Anxiety Herbs

A list of herbs that help reduce stress & anxiety & how to use them.Chamomile: Top of the list because it’s my personal favourite. Chamomile is very calming, & also helps calm the nervous ...

Herbs Versus Pharmaceutical Drugs

To truly understand and appreciate the healing potential of herbal medicine, we must keep firmly in mind the key differences between herbal medicines and pharmaceutical drugs, and the advantages of th...

Herbal Medicines & Preparations

Herbal medicine has been practiced for as long as humans have been around. It was the only form of physcial medicine (except for acupuncture), available until the last century. When it was discovered ...

Healers Commodities

Charms and sachets – Fill a small bag, of the correct color or material, with herbs to make a charm or sachet. You can carry the charm with you, hang it in the house or car, or bury or burn it, d...

Old-Fashioned Remedies and Tricks Grandma Used

Grandmas always seem to know it all don’t they? Well, here are some unique and wonderful old-fashioned remedies you may not have heard before that we would like to share. While we cannot guarantee tha...

A Ritual For Empowering Herbs For Healing

All healing herbs must first be empowered. You can use ready-dried and powdered herbs or chop yourown and grind them in a mortar and pestle. This method is particularly suitable for herbs to be placed...

Soothing The Feet

Tea tree foot and hand soak for fungus problems, also good for nice soft good smelling hands and feet 1/2 cup warm cider vinegar6 drops of tea tree oil Add one of these four essential oils (your choic...

Herbal Safety

Although herbs are generally safe with very few side effects, one should be responsible and careful when using any herb. Some herbs can have dangerous interactions with conventional medications, so if...