
Ghostly Connections 11, Seance.

On occasion during a seance, someone who has not before beheld any phenomena may find that quite suddenly they become aware and that their nascent abilities have been kick started. This usually happen...

Ghostly Connections 10, Mediums.

Some mediums work with a particular spirit guide, while others call upon spirit assistance and wait for one to make contact. To begin each person closes their eyes and holds hands with the person on e...

Ghostly Connections 9, An Occult Journey.

Those who are beginning their occult journey may wish to try a Ouija board, with one or several people, the best conduits are wooden. Each person touches the message indicator lightly with the tip of ...

Ghostly Connections 8, Telepathic and Clairvoyant Projection.

The ancient Egyptians believed every soul had a double (ka). Other beliefs are that a living person can project their astral body or their soul which is a reflection of their physical form. It is also...

Ghostly Connections 7, Spiritualism.

Spiritualism became popular throughout England and America in the 19th century, it came about as people felt the need to gather with others and share a new faith beyond anything scientific. There was ...

Ghostly Connections 6, The Feast of the Hungry Ghosts.

The Chinese celebrate the Feast of the Hungry Ghosts, beginning on the Ghost Month, which is 15 August, the seventh month of the Chinese Lunar Calendar, and lasts for six days. The Buddhist ceremony o...

Ghostly Connections 5, Messages.

A determined spirit will transmit a message to the living one way or another, there may be signs such as items moved around the home, or even taken out of drawers and placed in specific places where t...

Ghostly Connections 4, Supernatural and Spiritual Beings.

Spirit, comes from the Latin spirit (breath), a supernatural being or essence, spirits are less definitive than ghosts, who are the apparitions seen by the living, ghosts are quite tuned in to the ear...

Ghostly Connections 3, Fear of the Unknown.

It is usually those who die tragically, suddenly or by the hand of another, who remain attached to the earth plane, there is possibly unfinished business or an intense tie to people or a place. Spirit...

Ghostly Connections 2, Differing Hauntings.

Every haunting is different and by seeing a ghost we understand that death is but a doorway to a different realm. We leave our physical body behind and become an ethereal entity that vibrates at a dif...

Ghostly Connections 1, A Universal Contact.

Ghosts are universal, some quiet, some noisy, most benevolent, some malevolent. However a ghost presents itself to the individual or the many, you are forced to take notice. Ghosts make contact for a ...

Types of Ghosts10, Demons / Low Level Entities.

Types of Ghosts10, Demons / Low Level Entities. I don’t want to get into the debate as to whether demons are actually ancient gods or not, suffice to say, there is a type of spirit out there that I al...

Types of Ghosts 11, Elementals: Fairies Are a Type of Ghosts?.

Maybe you think I’m crazy for saying elementals and fairies are a type of ghost. But hear me out. There’s a fine line between fairies and ancestors. There are NUMEROUS stories in Celtic and Norse lore...

Types of Ghosts12, Poltergeist.

I’m including the poltergeist under the “other” type of ghosts for a reason. When we break down the term poltergeist, it is a German word for “noisy ghost“. And while it very could be the soul of a de...

Types of Ghosts 7, Wraiths.

Types of Ghosts 7, Wraiths. A wraith is described like any other ghost, as a spirit of someone who died that has stuck around after leaving its body. However, a wraith is a ghost that has attached its...

Types of Ghosts 8, Animal Spirits.

Types of Ghosts 8, Animal Spirits. Sometimes an animal’s soul lingers at the site of its death, at its physical home, OR around his or her human friend. Sometimes animal ghosts aren’t of this world at...

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