CAPNOMANCY is the study of smoke rising from a fire. CARTOMANCY is fortune telling using cards such as the Tarot. CATOPTROMANCY is an early form of crystal gazing that utilizes a mirror turned to the ...
BELOMANCY is an ancient form of divination performed by tossing or balancing arrows. BIBLIOMANCY involves divination by books. BOTANOMANCY is divination from burning tree branches and leaves. BUMPOLOG...
AEROMANCY divination from the air and sky, particularly concentrating on cloud shapes, comets, and other phenomena not normally visible in the heavens. ALCHEMY is the practice of transmutation of base...
● Well- blessing from the Goddess, inspiration, spirituality, health ● Wheel- completion, eternity, season/life cycles, rebirth, gains ● Windmill- business dealings, factors working together for one g...
● Umbrella- temporary shelter, limited protection ● Unicorn- purity, nature, fairy blessings, Otherworld intervention
● Tree- blessings of nature, good fortune, stability, power, security ● Turtle- fertility, security, defense against obstacles, slow gains
● Salt- purity, stability, cleansing, grounding ● Scales- balance, justice, careful evaluation ● Scissors- duplicity, arguments, separation, division, strife ● Shell- Goddess, emotional stability, luc...
● Ring- eternity, containment, wheel of life/year, wedding ● Rose- love, lost or past love, fullness of life, healing, caring
● Palm Tree- respite, relief, security, protection, blessings ● Parrot- gossip, flamboyance ● Peacock- luxury, vanity, baseless pride ● Pineapple- hospitality, good things hidden by harsh exterior ● P...
● Man- visitor, helpful stranger ● Mirror- reversal, knowledge, karma ● Moon- the Goddess, intuitive wisdom, guidance ● Mountain- hindrance, challenge, obstacle, journey, steadfastness ● Mouse- povert...
● Ladder- initiation, rise or fall in status, connections ● Lion- power, strength, influence, ferocity, pride, domination ● Lock- protection, concealment, security, obstacles, sealed
● Key- understanding, mysteries, opportunity, gain, security ● Kite- warning for caution, new ideas ● Knot- restrictions, marriage, bindings ● Knife- duplicity, misunderstanding, direct action
● Hammer- hard work rewarded, building, creativity, fortitude ● Hat- honors, rivalry, independence, self-assertion ● Hound- advice, help given, companionship, trust ● Heart- love, pleasure, confidence...
● Glove- protection, luck, aloofness, nobility, challenge ● Gate- opportunity, advancement, change, new directions ● Gun (any type)- power to gain goals, discord, slander, infidelity