Candles / Spells

Hoodoo Money Candle Spell’

You will need the following items for this spell:

1 Green Chime or Votive Candle
Candle holder
Cinnamon ( Grounded )
High John Root
Tigers eye
Money Incense: Money Powder, Frankincense EXT
Incense Holder
Put a SMALL amount of each ingredient in a small mixing bowl: Honey, Sugar and Cinnamon . Mix together until paste forms. Take your candle and carve the rune Fehu on the candle. Then use your finger to rub the paste on the candle from the wick to the bottom and place your candle in the proper candle holder. Light your incense above the candles flame and place in the incense holder. Take a little more paste and place it on your tongue without swallowing Say out loud or in your mind while focusing on the candle: Candle on money magic I ask that you bring me: amount of $, I am not greedy and need this money for: List what you need, I am thankful, so more it be and harm he none. Then place the High John and Tigers eye stone by the candle and incense and let it burn. Bury the rest of the candle and ash in the ground or water.