Aromatherapy / Inscense Magick / Oil Magick

Oils and Incenses in Magick

Oils and incenses, like herbs, are very versatile.

The easiest way of attracting all the good things you want not only for yourself but also for those you love and for those in need is to burn oils and to release the appropriate fragrances and let them work in their own way.

You can choose the appropriate oil for health, happiness, love, success, prosperity, confidence, and protection, to name but a few.

Oil Magick

You can use oils as part of a ritual.

In traditional magick, oils are placed in the West of the altar for the Water element, or the East, if lit, to symbolize the fragrance rising in the Air.

But they can equally form the focus of any spell, each oil being charged with its particular purpose before use.

There are many ways you can use oils magically as well as therapeutically: for example, you can burn them in special holders (these are available everywhere from pharmacies, hardware shops and

you can sprinkle a few drops on an open fire or on cotton wool;

you can pour a little into a saucer and place it above a radiator;

you can dispense them in sprays or in any of the variety of condensers and diffusers that are available, or you can dilute them and use them as floor washes.


Oils are very potent and should only ever be used in accordance with instructions inside the box from the manufacturer.

Generally, oils such as lavender, Chamomile, rose, rosewood and geranium are so mild that for an adult you can use up to ten drops quite safely in a bath full of water.

However, do not add more than three drops of peppermint, lemon or Cedarwood, and no more than four or five drops of other astringent or potent oils such as orange, pine, rosemary, tea tree and thyme to a bathful of water and follow instructions carefully.

You can also put a drop or two of the milder oils on a handkerchief or inhale from the bottle, but again follow instructions to the letter.

For children, use no more than four drops of mild oil (lavender, Chamomile, rose, rosewood or geranium) in total in a bath; for small children, do not use more than two drops and use only gentler
fragrances such as lavender or Chamomile (this is excellent for calming children).

Some conditions preclude the use of certain oils; this applies for use in baths, and for inhalations and massage.

As with herbs, It is recommended that you should always check with your doctor before using any oils.


Avoid sweet fennel, hyssop, sage, and rosemary.

High blood pressure:

Avoid cypress, hyssop, rosemary, sage and thyme.


It is best to avoid the following oils during any stage of pregnancy.

Angelica, basil, bitter almond, Cedarwood, clary sage, clove, fennel, hyssop, juniper, marjoram, myrrh, peppermint, rosemary, sage, tarragon, thyme, wintergreen, yarrow.

Photo-Toxic Oils

Certain oils, particularly citrus oils, can irritate the skin if they are exposed to the light, and about half of the normal amount of other oils should be used in baths and massage.

Avoid direct sunlight for six hours after use.

They include Angelica, bergamot, ginger, lemon, lime, mandarin and orange. However, they are ideal for burning and are all energizing.

Skin Irritants

Some can be an irritant to the skin and so should be used sparingly and well-diluted.

They include: Allspice, basil, cinnamon, clove, fennel, frankincense, lemon, lemongrass and peppermint.

Oils should never be taken internally and except for pure rose and lavender should not be applied undiluted to the skin.