Do lots of meditation
Raise your vibrations and energies
Record your observations
Practice your visualization. Visualize with flowers, numbers, and symbols.
Imagine your third eye opening during meditation.
Keep a dream journal. Record and analize their meaning.
.Crystals for clairvoyants
Lapis lazuli – Opens your third eye. Induces dreams and insights.
Clear quartz crystals – Opens your third eye. A powerful stone for visions and clairvoyance.
Amethyst – Helps with psychic development. Encourages deep meditation and higher states of awareness. It also helps with mental control and focus, opening your intuition, and gaining spiritual insight and wisdom.
Azeztulite – Enhances clairvoyance and bring forth visions from past and future. Enhances third eye activation, precognition, and higher dimensional consciousness.
Azurite – Activates the third eye. Strengthens intuition and insight.
Emerald – Opens up clairvoyant abilities.
Moonstone – Opens intuition.
Sodalite – Deepens meditation and stimulates the third eye.
Herbs for clairvoyants
Anise – Great for any type of clairvoyance, divination, or any psychic developments.
Bay – Burned to induce visions. Put its leaves under your pillow for inspiration and prophetic dreams.
Cedar – Opens the psychic channels while protecting the operator.
Cinnamon – Aids in improving your psychic abilities.
Lemongrass – Used to aid psychic powers.
Lilac – Good for inducing “far memory” and recalling past lives. Also good for Clairvoyance in general.
Mugwort – For clairvoyance, summoning spirits, manifestations and dreams.
Poppy Seeds – For dreams, visions, and clairvoyance.
Rosemary – Used in pillows for dreams and visions.
Sandal wood – Stimulates clairvoyance.