In honor of Woman Day: i give you advice from a Witches Coven Mystress :
De Lady Marie Ro: Fathers and Mothers are equals in the seeds of nature, one gives birth the other maintains its direction, it is easy to find faults in each others company, but know nature prizes life and falls ill at the idea of new death, what can one say about growth but the hope and love that is shared and given from one world and the next, but when this freedom to be the giver and taker is removed without the process of transformation, then the illness that wells in the sour hearts of those who live goes quiet in the night and creates fear and loathing and hatred…… and as the keys to both the rewards and pains we can blame not anyone but ourselves and the futures these seeds and fruit will suffer within……… so i ask those of magical heart to know that the future was born without the denial of……and not in the control of….. and the future is born not in the womb but in the invisible gateway of time and freedoms.. who are ye who would deny that which the universe freely gives… thee will never be their maker.. but their loss……..