
Third Eye Spell

This is a joyful spell, so if you feel moved to dance, chant,
whirl, or sing while casting it, by all means please do so. If
you are new to magick or to psychic work, or find that your
psychic abilities aren’t as sharp as they once were, this is a
good spell for you.
Your third eye is the center of your psychic self. Your
sixth chakra, it rules every aspect of your sixth sense:
intuition, insight, clairvoyance, precognition, telepathy, and
all other psychic abilities. Your third eye helps you to see
the unseen, and to perceive more than is possible with your
ordinary senses.
Opening your third eye (or activating your sixth chakra, if
you prefer that term) is an important prelude to psychic
work. This includes everything from meditation, divination,
visualization, scrying, crystallomancy, and fire-gazing to
distance healing, past-life work, dream work, remote viewing,
astral projection, and so on.
This spell may be cast at any time, but it is best cast on a
moonlit night. You will need:
sandalwood incense
a purple candle
sesame oil (You can find edible sesame oil where
Asian food products are sold, and scented sesame
oil is sold with skin care products.)
Tiger Balm (This is a liniment that is used for
headaches and muscle pain. Packaged in tiny jars, it
can be found in health food shops, at some
pharmacies, and in stores that sell Asian products.
Tiger Balm contains ingredients that make the skin
tingle, such as menthol. Its use in this spell is to
make you more aware of your third eye, so you could
substitute anything that will make your skin tingle,
such as another commercial liniment, essential oil of
peppermint, or whatever your ingenuity devises. Use
anything you like, but be sure it’s something that
seems magickal to you and to which your skin is not
Optional: music, ritual garb, or whatever helps you
to get into a magickal mood. (You could use any
music that appeals to you, but if you are fortunate
enough to own a recording of the late great Egyptian
diva Om Kalsoum singing “Alfy Layla wa Layla” [A
Thousand and One Nights], that would make an
especially powerful accompaniment.)
Some traditions consider the third eye to be located between
the eyebrows, while others consider it located in the middle
of the forehead. We are all different, so only you can
determine the location of your third eye. If you aren’t sure,
get a small crystal and place it between your eyebrows.
Does it tingle, in a psychic way? If not, place the crystal in
the center of your forehead. How does that feel? It may take
repeated tries if you are new to all of this, but you will
eventually find a spot on your forehead that responds to the
presence of the crystal. When you do, that is the location of
your third eye.
Dress the candle with the sesame oil, by using the
forefinger of your projective hand to rub the candle with it.
Wash your hands.
The Spell
Open the jar of Tiger Balm, and put it on your altar or other
working surface with the candle and the incense. Get into a
magickal mood, and create sacred space. Darken the room.
Light the candle, then light the incense from the candle.
Anoint your third eye with the Tiger Balm, again using the
forefinger of your projective hand. Raise power.
Focus on the way that your third eye is responding to the
Tiger Balm and to the warmth of the candle. Concentrate on
opening your third eye. Do this by visualizing it unfolding
as a flower does when it blooms. Gaze at the candle until you
feel ready, then say:
Alfy layla wa layla,
Alfy layla wa layla . . .
By the Moon, on Arabian nights,
By the silence of ancient sites,
By the secrets of arcane rites,
By the flicker of candle lights . . .
Ifta, ya simsim!
Open sesame!
Open my third eye, open my mind’s eye,
Release my sixth sense.
Help me to see the unseen.
Let me Be as I have never been,
Let me See as I have never seen.
Open my third eye, open my mind’s eye,
Open my Self to understanding.
alfy layla wa layla
alfy layla wa layla . . .
By the power of moonlight,
By the power of clear sight,
Ifta, ya simsim!
Open sesame!
Concentrate on your third eye, now wide open. Envision
stars pouring from the chakra, or light pouring into it, or
whatever image feels right to you. If you have been blocked
for a long time, or if you raised a lot of power for this spell, a
tremendous amount of energy may be released. Don’t be
frightened if this causes a physical manifestation, such as
the candle flame suddenly leaping up. Don’t be concerned if
your body begins to vibrate or if the energy affects you in
some other physical way. Dance, if this happens and you
feel that you need to work the energy off.
Gaze into the flame of the candle. Concentrate on how you
feel and on the possibilities that the spell has released. Do
this until you feel your body adjust itself to the now open
chakra, then begin to ground the power that you raised.
Monitor the candle until it has burned down entirely. You
should feel calm, grounded, and centered by then. Ground
any residual power, and clean up. Have something to eat and
drink if you have trouble returning to ordinary
You will be changed after you cast this spell. It will affect
different people differently. You may find that you are more
imaginative, that your perception is keener, your meditations
deeper, or your insight sharper. You might find visualization
easier or begin to get more accurate answers from your
runes, pendulum, tarot cards, or whatever divination tool
you regularly use.
Opening your third eye can also affect your body. You
may find yourself sleeping better, feeling less anxious, less
confused, or less fearful. You might begin to experience
fewer or less severe headaches. You could also feel less
tension in your neck, or have eye, hormone, or skin
problems finally clear up.
However this spell affects you, it will be a positive
change. Some will cast it once and have their third eye
forever opened. Others will find it helpful to cast the spell
periodically in order to keep their third eye open.