
Food Magick: Cups, Bowls, and Pots 1.2

Pottery was invented by women, and pottery remained a feminine craft among virtually all culturally unadvanced early peoples. One of the hallmarks of “advanced” culture was the forced transference of this women’s art to men.

Throughout the world, pots have been used for magical purposes. In Panama, a pot shaped like a human being was placed on the roof of a house for protection. In West Africa, shamans trapped the winds and rains in huge jars, and ancient Hawaiian deities are said to have done much the same thing with gourds.

Chinese New Year’s festivities often included stuffing a clay pot with stones and bits of iron, which represented the ills of the past year. Gunpowder was added to the pot, along with a fuse. The pot was buried, the fuse was lit, and the
resulting explosion wiped out the evils of the past year.  On their ceremonial pots, the Pueblo Indians of North America rendered animals that are found near springs. This was done to ensure a steady supply of water.

Any cup or bowl can be used in magic,  Earth colours (browns, beiges, and whites) are most appropriate for a container. Choose cooking pots of the same colours, and made preferably of glazed ceramic, glass, enamelled metal, or stainless steel.