
Family Room Spell

The place in the home where family and friends usually
gather, such as a living room, family room, or dining room,
has a special energy of its own. To enchant such a room is
to touch everyone who frequents it with positive magick.
This spell is best cast by a member of the family, but it
could be cast for them (with permission) by someone who
cares about them. You will need:
rose, ylang ylang, or dragon’s blood incense
a writing implement (Use a pencil if you will be
painting the room, something heavier if you will be
putting up wallpaper.)
Empty the roomcompletely. Open the window(s) to air it out,
and clean the room thoroughly. Be sure to clean any closets
or fireplaces, as well as any attached area such as a deck,
porch, or balcony. Keep scrubbing and sweeping or
vacuuming until you feel that the room has become void of
any vibrations it previously held.
The Spell
Get into a magickal mood, and create sacred space in the
room. Bring in the incense, light it, then raise power.
Visualize the room as a place of unity and happiness. Picture
your family and friends, all healthy and thriving, gathering
together there. Fill the room with benevolence and positive
energy, and visualize it being absorbed into the walls, floor,
and ceiling.
While the incense burns, inscribe the names of the
following gods and goddesses upon the walls. Change the
wording as needed, and say each sentence aloud as you
write the name of the deity.
On the door or above the doorway, write: “CARDEA, to
protect family life. HESTIA, for a peaceful home life. FRIGG,
for the well-being of the family.” On any wall write:
“DURGA, for family union. VERPLACE, for good family
relations. AERTEN, to settle family quarrels. JARA, for a
healthy family. MAHA LAKSHMI, for family prosperity.
PIETAS, for meeting family responsibilities. THE PENATES,
to protect the family.”
Remain in the room until the incense finishes burning.
(Light another stick or add more to the censer, if needed.)
Look around the room, and feel the difference that your work
has made in its spirit of place. Once your visualization is
complete, and the incense has burned out, ground the power
that you raised. You can now paint or wallpaper the room,
then furnish and decorate it.
Master Bedroom Spell
Use this spell to bespell the bedroom where a married (or
otherwise deeply committed) couple sleeps. It is best cast by
both partners together but can also be cast by just one of
them. You will need:
rose or jasmine incense
a writing implement (Use a pencil if you will be
painting the room, something heavier if you will be
putting up wallpaper.)
Optional: potted ivy, roses, rosemary, violets, or
Empty the bedroom completely. Open the window(s) to air it
out, and clean the room thoroughly. Be sure to clean any
closets, bathrooms, hallways, or fireplaces, as well as any
attached area such as a deck or balcony. Keep scrubbing
and sweeping or vacuuming until you feel that the bedroom
(or master suite) is devoid of any vibrations that it
previously held.
The Spell
Get into a magickal mood, and create sacred space in the
bedroom. Bring in the incense, and light it. Visualize the
bedroom as a place that fosters perfect love and perfect
trust. Focus on a stable, loving, enduring relationship. Raise
power, and pour all your love and hopes for the relationship
into the room.
Envision the room as a sanctuary where love will be
renewed each time the couple sleeps there. Visualize a bond
so strong, and a relationship so satisfying on every level,
that none of the vicissitudes of life will ever be able to break
the marriage apart. Fill the room with the strength of this
conjugal love, and visualize it being absorbed into the walls,
floor, and ceiling.
While the incense burns, inscribe the names of the
following gods and goddesses upon the walls. Change the
wording as needed, and say each sentence aloud as you
write the name of the deity.
On the door or above the doorway, write: “BES, to protect
this chamber. OSHUN, to safeguard our relationship.
SELKET, to preserve our union. VARA, to protect our
marriage.” Above the bed, write: “PARVATI, to watch over
us. FREYA, for a happy marriage. HATHOR, for pleasure in
marriage. FRIGG, for great sex in marriage. APHRODITE, for
the sanctity of our marriage. ISIS, to protect our love.”
On any wall, write: “BENZAITEN, for good fortune.
VESTA, for stability. JUNO, for a prosperous marriage.
THOR, for a fruitful union. HOLDA, for a proper home.
SHEKINAH, for blessings.”
Bring the potted plant into the room, if you are using one,
and place it near a window. Remain there until the incense
finishes burning. Light another stick or add more to the
censer, if needed. Look around the bedroom, and feel the
difference that your work has made in its spirit of place.
Once your visualization is complete and the incense has
burned out, ground the power that you raised. You can now
paint or wallpaper the bedroom, then furnish and decorate it.