Magical crystals and stones

To get you started in your use of crystals and
gemstones, there is a list below of those that
you are most likely to use in your workings. To
make it easy, they are categorized according to
their planetary influence. The correspondences
here are for the seven planets used by the
Ancients before the transpersonal planets of
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were discovered.
This astrological classification has the idea of

crystals being captured light or energy, and the
knowledge that the power of the planets can be
harnessed by this method, is a powerful aid in
spell making.

Programming a crystal

Crystals are prepared for programming by
charging them. Programming a crystal aligns
the energy of the crystal to the intent. Using a
carefully thought-out affirmation and directing
this to the centre of the crystal is sufficient to
programme it. Below are three of the most
common ways of programming.

  • Place the crystal on a large crystal cluster
    dedicated to the specific purpose for which it
    is required.
  • Place the crystal in the centre of a circle of
    other crystals whose ends are pointing
    towards the centre and the new crystal.
  • Put the crystal in sun and/or moonlight,
    stating the specific intent connected with the
    crystal. Many people believe that the days
    relating to the summer and winter solstices,
    the Full and the New Moon, and the vernal
    and autumnal equinox are more heavily
    charged than other days.

Cleansing a Crystal

When you acquire a new crystal you should
first of all cleanse it and then dedicate the
crystal for the purpose intended. This can be
done simply by holding the crystal while
consciously thinking that it will be used only
for good, or during a meditation. You could
also call upon your deities, if you wish, using
your own ritual.
There are many different ways of cleansing
crystals. Below are several of the more practical

  • Take the crystal to the sea, clean it thoroughly
    in the sea water, and allow the water to wash
    over it for several minutes. The crystal should
    then be left in the sun or in moonlight,
    whichever pleases you most, where it can
  • If you cannot use sea water, soak the crystal in
    salt water for anything from one to seven
    days – you will know instinctively how long
    is needed. Use the proportions of
    approximately three tablespoons of salt to a
    cup of water (the water must fully cover the
    stones), put the salt water in a glass container
    with the crystals and leave in a sunny or
    moonlit place.
  • Bury the crystal in commercial sea salt for at
    least seven and up to 24 hours (overnight is
    good), then rinse it with pure water and
    ‘energize’ it in the sun as before. Note: Salt or
    abrasive substances may impair the surface of
    your crystal; this will not affect the properties
    of the crystal, but is aesthetically not very
  • If you have a sacred space out in the open,
    bury the crystals for 24 hours, and as you
    bury them ask that they may be cleansed
    ready for your work. Don’t forget to mark the
    spot where they are buried – it is very easy to
    lose them!
  • Smudge the crystal thoroughly with, for
    example, a sage smudge stick (see page 51) or
    favourite incense. That is, allow the crystal to
    be engulfed in the smoke until such times as it
    feels clear. Suspend smaller crystals in the
    smoke or burn incense underneath larger
    stones. The incense section, beginning on
    page 53, gives numerous examples
  • Put the crystal in the middle of a large group
    of crystals or on top of another mineral (one
    which is a specific energizer, such as copper
    for the qualities of Venus) for 12 to 24 hours.
  • Clean the crystal in flowing spring, lake, river
    or tap water and then energize it by leaving it
    in the sun. It is important to think of the crystal
    being cleansed by the movement of the water.

A Meditation on Jade

In Chinese thought, jade is very highly regarded,
since it is said to embody the five cardinal
virtues: charity, modesty, courage, justice and
wisdom. For this reason, it can be used as an aid
to meditation and a tool for self-development. At
its simplest you might use a piece of jade simply
to consider these virtues in a somewhat objective
fashion, to enhance your understanding. A
slightly more complex way of working with its
deeper meaning is given below.
A piece of jade, preferably polished
✤ Sit quietly and contemplate your piece of
✤ Bring to mind each of the cardinal virtues in
turn, deciding what part each plays in your life.
✤ Write down those aspects that you consider
might need further consideration.
✤ For the next five days consider a single virtue
each day in meditation, remembering to write
down your insights or conclusions so that
they may be considered at a later date.
✤ As you do this, be conscious that the jade is
gradually becoming infused with your
awareness and therefore becoming a
powerful tool.
✤ When you feel ready to move onto the next
stage of development, be aware that the
Chinese also believe that the nine qualities of
jade reflect the best attributes of humanity:
Its smoothness suggests benevolence.
Its polish, knowledge.
Its firmness, righteousness.
Its harmlessness, virtuous action.
Its spotlessness, purity.
Its imperishability, endurance.
Visible flaws, ingenuousness
Its tactile quality, morality.
Its sound on being struck, music.
✤ In the same way as above, contemplate each
of the stone’s features and its corresponding
attributes and resolve to develop more of
these within your life.

Your piece of jade can now be carried as an aide
memoire to help you focus on those qualities which
you feel you need to develop. The fact that you have
spent quite a long time in drawing the inherent
knowledge from the stone means that you can now
have easy access to that knowledge when you are not
able to do a full meditation.

Crystals for Spellwork

There are many crystals that can be used in
magical workings and as you become more
practised in spell making, and more interested in
their various attributes, you will discover for

yourself that certain crystals resonate for you
more than others. These are perhaps the ones that
you will put in your talisman bag, or use in your
healing rituals.
Crystals are such an fundamental part of spell
working, with so many levels of awareness
inherent in them, that it is well worth taking the
time to learn as much as you can about them, in
order that you can use them in whatever way is
appropriate for you. You might, for instance, like
to place a large crystal of, say, rock quartz on
your altar as representative of the Earth Element
and all its power and goodness. On the other
hand, you may wish to wear a ‘charged’ crystal
(a crystal that has had extra energy added to it)
to protect you.
Using techniques for ‘finding’ crystals and
being open to them ‘finding’ you, are the best
ways of obtaining the crystals you need.
Because our lives are so busy, many of us will
come into contact with crystals only as gifts or
in a commercial environment. You may acquire
them by various methods, for example buying
them, receiving them as gifts, or very
occasionally unearthing them.
One relatively common way of ‘finding’ the
best crystal for you is by using the ‘first
recognition’ method.

  • Stand in front of a group of crystals.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Open your eyes quickly and pick up the first
    crystal you see or the one that attracts you in
    any way.
  • When holding a particular crystal or running
    your hand over it, you may find that your
    hands tingle or you have some other physical
    reaction. This usually means it is for you.
  • At other times you may feel drawn to a
    particular crystal without knowing why. The
    crystal may not necessarily be for you, and
    could be for somebody else or a purpose not
    yet specified.
    If you are choosing a crystal for a specific
    purpose (meditation, healing, and so forth),
    hold that purpose in mind as you choose.
    Usually you will sense an energy ‘reaction’
    from a particular crystal, perhaps in the form of
    a tingling sensation, heat or a flash of light.

Disposal of candle wax

In European-American traditions, many people
bury candle wax and other remains after a spell
is cast. Burial toward the appropriate quarter of
the compass is considered a thoughtful way to
go about this. Some neo-pagans dispose of
ritual or spell remains in a bonfire or fireplace.
If the intention of the spell is positive or
involves matters around your own home, like
blessing, love-drawing, money-drawing, or
home protection, it is perfectly acceptable to
wrap the materials in a cloth or paper packet
and bury them.
If you are removing hexes or opposing
negativity, you would burn the packet, bury it,
flush it into a stream or allow it to blow away
on the four winds as far away from your own
home as possible. Many people follow tradition
and throw the packet over the left shoulder
(into the face of the Devil) and walk away
without looking back. If the intention of the
spell is not centred on matters close to home, or
if you do not have a suitable garden, you can
wrap the materials in a cloth or paper packet
and throw them in running water over your left
shoulder and walk away. Alternatively, you can
take the materials to a crossroads – any place
where two roads cross – and throw the packet
into the centre of the crossroads over your left
shoulder and walk away.

The candle tips over and flames up into a potential fire hazard

Provided that you know you have placed the candles properly, this indicates there is danger about for you and your client.

You should clear your sacred space and cleanse it by whatever means you prefer.

It is probably wise to wait a while before retrying the spell and remember to take a ritual bath

The candle goes out before completely burning

This can mean that the spell you are
using is not the most appropriate one and you
need to use stronger means than you first
employed. It can also mean that someone is
actively working against you. In this case it is
wise to go back to the beginning and start your
whole spell over again.

There is a dirty, black burn (especially one that deposits soot on a glass-encased candle)

This means things are not going to go well – the
spell may not work, the blessing may fail, the
person is in deeper stress or trouble than you
first thought. There is a great deal of negativity
around. Sometimes it is good to change the
focus of the candle and ask that it be used to
burn off the negativity, which will enable you
to get a handle on the situation.

A glass-encased candle burns clean to begin with but ‘dirty’ with a great deal of smoke later

This indicates that things will go well to begin
with, but there are other conditions that have
not yet revealed themselves and will need to be
resolved. Someone may be working against the
required outcome, so the correct timing and
correspondences of further spells are crucial

A free-standing candle burns down to a puddle of wax or sets in runs down the side of the candle

When this happens, most workers
will examine the shape of the wax for a sign. For

instance, a heart-shaped wax puddle is a good
sign if you are burning a red candle for a love
spell. You may see something of importance
there, for the shape of the run may suggest an
outcome regarding the matter at hand. Wax
puddles come in all kinds of shapes; most
candle-workers look for symbols in the wax, or
sometimes use numerology or other divination
techniques similar to teacup reading, to
discover meaning

A free-standing candle runs and melts a lot

while burning This gives you an opportunity
to observe the flow of wax for signs. Quickly
melting wax shows there is a good deal of
positivity available. If one side burns quicker
than the other, a balance can sometimes be
achieved by turning the candle round and it is
useful to note how many times you do this,
since this can indicate the number of
adjustments the person may have to make to
ensure success. Other people prefer to let
nature take its course and to watch the wax run
for signs, without interfering in its movements

The flame that flares, dips, and gutters, repeatedly

Check first for draughts and then decide
intuitively whether there is a pattern to the
flaring and guttering. If you are performing the
spell with someone in mind, you may feel the
recipient of your spell is trying to block your
efforts. Sit quietly for a while until you feel you
have grasped the significance of the pattern,
which may be because the spell itself is not
right for the time. In this case simply be
prepared to try again another time