
Hyssop is masculine. Its ruler is Jupiter and its
Element of Fire. The plant was widely used
during the Middle Ages for purification,
cleansing and consecration rituals. Use it in
purification baths, and for protective and
banishing spells. Hyssop works best in the form
of an essential oil in incense.


Holly is masculine and is ruled by Mars and its
Element of Fire. When planted around the home
it protects against evil. Holly water is said to
protect babies, and when thrown at wild animals
it calms them down. The leaves and berries can
be carried as an amulet by a man to heighten his
masculinity and virility, enabling him to attract a

Heartsease Healing Sachet

Two 10 cm squares of red or white material
Needle with pink thread
Herbs as above
Small piece of rose or clear quartz
Small quantity of dried beans for banishment
✤ Make a sachet by sewing together three sides
of the material with the pink thread
✤ Fill the sachet with the herbs, quartz and
beans, then sew up the final side.
✤ As you do so, know that the pain will pass.
✤ Hang the sachet in a prominent position so
that you can feel its healing vibration.

Herbal Heartsease

Broken relationships are extremely painful and
the hurt often needs to be dealt with very
quickly. This spell, using three different
techniques, helps to keep things under control
until you can look forward in a positive
Cleansing bath
Handful of either heartsease, or/and jasmine,
roses, hibiscus and honeysuckle flowers
Essential oils in any of these perfumes
Rose quartz
✤ Add the herbs to the bath along with the
essential oils.
✤ Place the rose quartz in the bath.
✤ Soak in the bath for at least ten minutes
allowing the hurt to be dissolved.
✤ Remove the rose quartz.
✤ Take the plug half out, so the water begins to
drain away.
✤ As it does so, replace with fresh water to
signify new energy coming into your life.
✤ Carry the rose quartz with you or keep it
under your pillow.