Moon Magick


This is for banishing magick and for removing pain, sickness and obstacles to success and happiness. It will lessen negative influences, addictions, compulsions, negative thoughts, grief, guilt, anxiety, the envy and malice of others and destructive anger that is best let go. It can also be used for gently ending relationships and stages where there are regrets but still goodwill. A gradual binding spell to divert a person from a place or person can be effective, though binding spells are often done with the
power of the full moon. The Crone Goddess rules the waning moon.

A Banishing Ritual

The ebb tide is very good for carrying away what is no longer wanted, but if you do not live near the sea, you can use any downward-flowing water, even a drain.

* Take either a dying flower or a long frond of seaweed to represent whatever it is you wish to banish.
* Draw a square around it, in the sand or in the earth or using chalk on a paved area.


These are the limits of your power, these are the limits of your sway, thus you lose your thrall, away, now, away.

* Rub out the square, saying: See, even this your power is gone, leave my life, your day is done.
* Cast the symbol on to the ebb tide. You may need to wade out to make sure it does not come back to shore. Alternatively, cast it into flowing water with a final: Away, no more stay.
* Do something, however small, to make yourself happy for the rest of the day, so that it has happy memories.

You may need to repeat the spell for a number of waning moons if the matter or person has a strong hold.
If the compulsion or person returns before the next waning moon, try this short ritual.
* Run a bath and add a drop or two of eucalyptus or pine and lavender.
* On a tiny square bar of soap, write a symbol to represent the problem, draw a cross through it and
leave it to melt in the water while you enjoy your bath.
* Get out of the bath when you are refreshed and when the soap has completely melted, pull out the
plug, saying:
Sorrow grievous, flow to sea, never more to trouble me.
* Do something positive while the soap is melting. If you do not have time for a bath, you can melt
your soap in a bowl or bucket and pour it down a drain.