Monday Magick / Psychic Magick

Reasons for a Psychic Attack

There are many motivations that may make someone perform a Psychic Attack of some kind on another person.

These may include the following.

The person performing the Psychic Attack may be jealous. An example is the victim’s life may be progressing whilst the attacker’s life remains stagnant.

The person performing the Psychic Attack may be envious of the victim’s looks.

The person performing the Psychic Attack may be envious of the victim’s career.

The person performing the Psychic Attack may be envious of the victim’s Partner.

The person performing the Psychic Attack may be envious of the victim’s environment.

The person performing the Psychic Attack may be living on their dark side at the moment.

The person performing the Psychic Attack may lack self-conviction and is living in fear.

It is theorized that when negative energy is consciously sent to someone with the intention of inflicting harm, then what is sent is exactly what will be attracted by the sender.

The universal law of karma can at times state that what goes around comes back around, multiplied.