
Magick Power

Energy—it is what makes up the universe. A witch calls this magic. Energy is the force of life. Energy empowers us to creation.

Indeed it is all about the Magic Powers or direction of energy in our lives. We empower ourselves by building energy through balance with nutrition and health, the kindness karma we create, and the morality in which we live.

As a witch we are a conduit of this energy directly from the Mother Earth—and we must align ourselves to her laws to survive and thrive. Mindfulness of the energy we manifest upon her is raised with more conscience our living.

It is our responsibility the energy we bring. Knowing this is a choice is central to the practice of magic—as we practice so that our choice is the highest possible in any given situation. Our “point” or “situation” is not important—but what we bring energetically is. Ultimately that is all that is really remembered in an interaction.

Keying into the Magic means we choose better, connect stronger, and listen deeper to our own voice and the promptings of our guides and ancestors. We feel the “magic” when we are most aligned with it. When we betray it—simply it dissipates & we feel “separate” from it. Realignment simply requires acknowledging the separation and returning to our center. Choose power!

Be Empowered
Be Beloved
Be Blessed