
A Life with Natural Magick

The natural world is a powerhouse of magickal energy that can be used to amplify our own personal psychic powers and daily lives even if we do not have the time or inclination for a spell. Well, all possess these abilities but they can get blunted by modern life. Working with nature rapidly restores the instinctive connection with our own inner self and you may find as a bonus that you are more intuitive and aware of hidden factors in your every day decision making. At specific times we can tap into the ever changing energies of the sun , the moon , the sea, lakes and rivers as well as the weather . All these magickal  qualities manifest in different flowers , herbs, trees and crystals .

There is nothing strange about our Magickal Powers;  they are parts of our right hemisphere brain function which includes imagination and creativity. Working with symbols and images, the ability that under pins much magick is located in the right hand side of the brain. With practice we can expand possibilities first in our minds and then during rituals to transform the stored energies and magickal meanings contained in every day symbols and images into magickal powers.

For Example….. If we were working with a wax butterfly we made, it may represent a new beginning as that is the meaning given to butterfly’s through out the ages.

The 16TH Century mystic “Teresa of Avila” described the spirit of the body after death as a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. Where as you may not be conscientiously aware of such a symbolism ,(though much of this symbol code is stored in our genes to be awakened in magick ) you may instinctively know that by choosing a butterfly as a symbol in your spell, it would be a joy bringing focus.

Magick could be termed as “The Sister of Psychology  and good magick operates on sound psychological principals.