Knot Magick

The Witch’s Knot

The Witch’s Knot, also known as the Witch’s Charm or Magic Knot, is comprised of four interlocking vesica piscis shapes. The knot can also be found with a central circle.

The vesica piscis is a shape that is the intersection of two circles with the same radius, intersecting in such a way that the center of each circle lies on the perimeter of the other. The name literally means the “bladder of a fish” in Latin. The shape is also called mandorla (almond in Italian).

The pointed oval sign, the vesica piscis, has also been called the Vessel of the Fish. “Fish” and “womb” were synonymous terms in ancient Greek delphos. Its link to fertility, birth, feminine sexuality and the natural force of women was acknowledged also by the Celts, as well as pagan cultures throughout northern Europe.